View Full Version : DJ's first outing...

07-29-2016, 09:42 AM
I decided to see if DJ wanted to come out of his cage today so I opened up the door and balcony. He didn't come out so I offered him a perch and he stepped on but hopped off before coming out the door.

So since the top of his cage also opens I decided to see if he'd play on a perch mounted up there. Well after a minute or two he came out and flew over to the other cage. They didn't seem to pleased to have him standing on the roof and were headed toward his feet. I offered him a perch and he stepped on but took off toward the kitchen. By this time he's all wound up and had no intention of stepping onto a perch and was attempting to fly around. Not well because his wings are clipped and he was on the floor so he couldn't get more than a few inches off the ground. So I scooped him up, held him and gave him head scritches. He was calm and quiet. Once I got him back in the cage I released him and he just calmly climbed out of my hands onto his boing and went about preening, playing and quietly chattering so overall it wasn't too traumatic.

And he's still talking back to me so he doesn't hate me! :happy:

07-29-2016, 10:46 AM
The experience was actually positive for DJ. You picked him up and didn't eat him for breakfast! While that statement may seem absurd, you have to remember that birds are prey animals.........

07-29-2016, 03:17 PM
Yep. He's a happy guy. Been chirping back at me all day.

07-30-2016, 03:48 PM
Yep. He's a happy guy. Been chirping back at me all day.

Today went a little better. I didn't open the top of the cage. I opened the balcony only and walked away. He looked at it for a minute then stepped out. Once his neighbors saw him they started chirping. I guess it was the lovebird version of (Hey he's escaped!).

He flew over to their cage and hung on the door. That ratched up the volume level.

I did manage to get him to step onto a perch a couple times but he didn't stay. He eventually flew over to my desk. Then to my printer, From there up to my thermostat where he stood looking at me before flying to the curtain on the door.

I scooped him off the curtain and cradled him in my hands giving him a head scratch. He didn't struggle and was quiet and calm. After I held him for a minute or two I put him back in his cage and opened my hands, he calmly climbed out and the other two quieted down the escape alarm.

I gave DJ some popcorn nutriberries as a reward and all is well.

Maybe next time I'll try covering the other cage if they don't freak out so maybe DJ will be more relaxed while he's out.

08-01-2016, 08:32 AM
So DJ found a way to get to the to of the curtains......stair stepping!! :lol The pair will let you know when DJ is out, even if that's what you want. Hey! He's not where he's supposed to be!

08-01-2016, 08:35 AM
Yep. He couldn't get to the curtains from the floor directly so he did it in stages! :rotfl

08-01-2016, 10:05 AM
I will be the first one to tell you that lovebirds may be small, but their intelligence level is way up there!

08-01-2016, 11:23 AM
They are smart little ones.

I didn't let DJ out yesterday, they were all extra wound up. I did spend quite a bit of time near the cage. Everytime I went to the cage DJ would come over, and stand inches from me and we'd have a conversation. Even Opie, in the other cage got into the act (until his buddy shouted at him to get back).

08-01-2016, 07:44 PM
I think you should name Opies buddy Andy or Barney.lol. Or Otis.

08-03-2016, 06:37 PM
I think you should name Opies buddy Andy or Barney.lol. Or Otis.

I like Otis! Then I can refer to them as the O's!!! :rofl::rofl:

08-06-2016, 04:25 PM
He's getting more trusting. He will now take food from my hand inside the cage and last night he ate broccoli right out of my hand without taking the broccoli somewhere else to eat it. He even gave a finger a little gentle nibble. :happy: