View Full Version : Taming a Parent Raised Lovebird?

08-14-2016, 12:20 AM
Hey all,
I've been having a really hard time taming my lovebird.
He is a lutino peachface and I got him from a pet store that didnt ever handle the birds, only threw in some seeds and let them sit in tiny cages. I had to take him away from that place but ever since (late april 2016), we haven't made any progress. Ive read a ton on this forum and nothing seems to be working. He is deathly terrified of any humans and occasionally comes out of his cage which I leave open when Im home but he just goes to the window and watches from up there. Ive been lying on my bed talking to him with his cage a couple meters away from me because he starts hyperventilating and running away if i get too close. Ive also tried the washroom trips with him as well but after the first time, he stopped leaving his cage.
I really dont know what to do anymore.
Would appreciate any help I can get.

08-15-2016, 12:12 PM
Thank you for doing the right thing and adopting this lovebird, at least for his sake! Some pet shops are better than others and this one seems to be one of the poorer ones.

Try keeping him very close to where you spend time. I'm talking about less than arm's length, if possible. Talk to him, eat, do what ever you normally do and don't attempt to touch him in any way. Even though you've had him since April, he's not comfortable with his new home yet and, as a prey animal, he needs to learn by experience that he is NOT your next meal! Lovebirds are normally very curious and social. If he sees you eating, he will most likely want to do the same thing, even if it's on the other side of the cage.

Some parrots take longer than others and some never want to be touched. I have a female Congo Grey who is the original touch me not and she's lived with me since 1991! She loves interacting with me, just don't touch. My female Princess of Wales Parakeet is the same way.

Z28taxman just adopted 3 of my lovebirds and none were tame. Hopefully, he will chime in on this thread, as well.

08-15-2016, 04:51 PM
Thank you for doing the right thing and adopting this lovebird, at least for his sake! Some pet shops are better than others and this one seems to be one of the poorer ones.

Try keeping him very close to where you spend time. I'm talking about less than arm's length, if possible. Talk to him, eat, do what ever you normally do and don't attempt to touch him in any way. Even though you've had him since April, he's not comfortable with his new home yet and, as a prey animal, he needs to learn by experience that he is NOT your next meal! Lovebirds are normally very curious and social. If he sees you eating, he will most likely want to do the same thing, even if it's on the other side of the cage.

Some parrots take longer than others and some never want to be touched. I have a female Congo Grey who is the original touch me not and she's lived with me since 1991! She loves interacting with me, just don't touch. My female Princess of Wales Parakeet is the same way.

Z28taxman just adopted 3 of my lovebirds and none were tame. Hopefully, he will chime in on this thread, as well.

I'm here.

Yep. I got 3 from linda. one is 8 months old and lives in his own cage and 2 are 6 years old and live together. All 3 were parent raised and not tame. The pair at least tolerate me. One of them will actually come closer to me if I approach the cage and talk to them (until his friend yells at him). The friendly one will tolerate my hand coming close but will take off when the other one does. Taming those 2 will take some time if it happens. If not I'm ok with them being who they want to be.

The young one is a different story altogether. he is now to the point where if I come to the cage he's right there, he'll nibble on my finger if I put it in the cage (not bite, just gentle nibbles) and will take food from my hands. He won't yet step up butI have no doubt it'll happen eventually. The key is patience and taking things at his pace. I don't grab him or force him to do anything he doesn't want to do.

I have the cages near where I spend most of my time. they are in the room here where my desk it and they can see the couch from where they are. I talk to them all the time and even get involved in their chatter. My neighbors probably think I'm nuts but I don't care. :rofl:

08-15-2016, 05:38 PM
I'm here.

Yep. I got 3 from linda. one is 8 months old and lives in his own cage and 2 are 6 years old and live together. All 3 were parent raised and not tame. The pair at least tolerate me. One of them will actually come closer to me if I approach the cage and talk to them (until his friend yells at him). The friendly one will tolerate my hand coming close but will take off when the other one does. Taming those 2 will take some time if it happens. If not I'm ok with them being who they want to be.

The young one is a different story altogether. he is now to the point where if I come to the cage he's right there, he'll nibble on my finger if I put it in the cage (not bite, just gentle nibbles) and will take food from my hands. He won't yet step up butI have no doubt it'll happen eventually. The key is patience and taking things at his pace. I don't grab him or force him to do anything he doesn't want to do.

I have the cages near where I spend most of my time. they are in the room here where my desk it and they can see the couch from where they are. I talk to them all the time and even get involved in their chatter. My neighbors probably think I'm nuts but I don't care. :rofl:

Nothing wrong with being nuts Dave lol.... it's when the walls start talking back to you then you're in trouble :omg:

08-15-2016, 05:41 PM
lacey wasn't parent raised (to my knowledge) and it still took around 4 months for her to totally trust me. I did as linda said and ate most of my meal on the couch next to her cage. She was very curious but really never actually accepted any food I gave her for at least 2 months. Now I can't eat anything without her wanting at least check out what I'm eating. If I leave her in her cage at meal time, she will go down to her dish and eat "with" us :)

08-16-2016, 08:58 PM
Max was a "wild beast" when I got him. I thought he would never warm up to me. I read the forums here and took the advice given and within a few weeks, he started trusting me and eating out of my hand. Now, two and a half years later, he melts in my hand when I give him scritches.

Be patient, keep giving him love and before you know it, he'll be all over you.

11-06-2016, 01:22 AM
This thread gives me hope for my two! I'm going to keep trying (after nesting, not while she's busy being mum!), down the track when they're ready.

11-06-2016, 08:59 AM
If babies hatch and you want them to be tame, let the parents feed and you just handle them when they are about 3 weeks old or if you feel comfortable picking them up earlier. I do that with my flock all the time.