View Full Version : Lovebird not behaving the same

08-19-2016, 10:55 AM
Hello I am the new proud owner of a lovebird I've had him approximately two weeks. He was parent raised but has done well with taming. Yesterday morning I woke up and he was all huddled in the corner of his cage and what appeared to be vomit all over him and his toy. I took him to the vet he was given a clean bill of health. However he is not behaving the same I find him all hunched in the corner of his cage with his head tucked under his wing and he's all puffed up. Previously when you would whistle at him or call his name he'd make noises back at you he's not doing that now. Also before when you got him out of the cage he would take flight now all he wants to do is cuddle and doesn't want somebody shoulder. Any advice?

08-19-2016, 11:46 AM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community!

Before I can give you good answers to your questions, I need to ask you a few questions.
How old is your new lovebird? Did you get him from a breeder or a pet shop or somewhere else? Do you have any photos you can share with us? To share pictures here, you need to upload them to an online storage site such as Photobucket and then copy/paste the URL here.
When you went to your vet, did he do any kind of testing such as a Gram Stain to see if there's any infection present? What kind of food are you feeding him?

With that said, you need to keep the area around his cage warm, 90F if possible so he doesn't use energy he needs for other things in order to stay warm. It sounds like he may have a crop infection or something isn't agreeing with him.

08-19-2016, 01:49 PM
Thank you for your response I am glad that I found this forum. I'm not 100% sure how old he is I received him from my neighbor whose pair of bird's head laid eggs and he had was parent raised. I am guessing he's somewhere between two and four months old . The vet did no testing other than look at his fecal sample and it came back with no bacteria or parasites.http://https://goo.gl/photos/KdyJ9p3YRVht7qb59

08-19-2016, 01:50 PM

08-19-2016, 01:55 PM
He id feed mostly a pellet diet. I am working on the fresh fruits and veggies.

08-19-2016, 02:19 PM
Try the picture but just copy/pasting the URL, not IMG tags, just straight copy/paste. The picture does not show here.

Sounds like the vet did a Gram Stain but only in the anal area. If the infection is in the crop, it won't show. If the baby is closer to 2 months old, it could easily be that he's unsure of eating by himself. At age 6 weeks, babies come out of the nest and dad teaches them how to eat. He's used to being with his family (other birds) and now he's by himself. I'd really like to see a photo, if at all possible!!

08-19-2016, 02:51 PM
This was last week.

This was yesterday

08-19-2016, 03:37 PM
Thank you for the photos. Anyway you can show me a front view so I can see a bit more of his face? Photos can tell a lot to someone who can't see totally what you see.

From what I see, he looks about 4-5 months old but it's hard to tell from side view. He's still young so cuddling/holding him will make him feel a bit more secure. Try offering seed rather than pellets. In the wild, lovebirds are seed eaters and they forage for any kind of vegetables they may find growing. You can also try offering millet, as it's easy to eat and digest plus it's a good source for protein.

08-19-2016, 04:44 PM
I just got home and took this picture. He seems so weak. He swaying back and forth. I am very very concerned.




I have already changed over his food to just seed. Should we be handling him? My daughter really wants to cuddle him.

08-19-2016, 05:19 PM
I keep seeing the same photo each time. :(

By all means, pick him up and cuddle him! Without the benefit of sight, I'm going to suggest getting some hand feeding formula and feeding him from a spoon. If he's weak, it's either an infection or not eating enough food to keep himself alive. You IP address says your location is very similar to my own. I may be close enough to help. Check your private messages and I will send you a phone number so you can call me.