View Full Version : A two bird home

09-14-2016, 10:15 AM
It's been a while since I've been on here. It's been so crazy around here the last month. Hubby is working most Saturdays now so it seems we don't even get a weekend to recoup lol. Having a 2 bird household is finally getting some routine. Gizmo has settled in pretty well and Lacey is trying her best to be his friend. For the most part he tolerates her when he's mellow, but when he's wound up or very hyper all bets are off. I never leave them alone, I know that I will never be able to. Having 2 birds is a plus in that if one is eating something that the other one previously hasn't, it looks a whole lot more interesting when someone else wants it lol. I have been giving Gizmo popsicle foot toys. Lacey never once used to look at anything wood. NOW she has to have them! I am surprised how strong that little beak is to split a stick. My hubby didn't believe me til I showed him lol. Gizmo is definitely a fruit eater and will eat some veggies. Lacey is the veggie eater and not much for fruit lol. I am hoping they teach each other to eat different things. It's unanimous they both like apples. Gizmo will eat some veggies cooked but not raw and that's pretty much how it goes with Lacey.

Gizmo is still pretty much afraid of anyone who visits, but Lacey seems to enjoy company now. It's weird, she used to be the same way with visitors lol. Anyway, I'm starting to ramble... Have a nice day all :)

09-14-2016, 10:32 AM
Multi bird homes can get interesting, as well as challenging! Under no circumstances do I trust my smaller birds out and about without supervision with larger parrots, even if the bigger birds are in their cages. With lovebirds, what's mine is mine. If you have it, I want it for mine! I use wooden perches that can be destroyed and I'm replacing them all the time!! That's what beaks do best and it keeps beaks happy!

I'm so glad that Gizmo is settling in. It can take a while to unpack baggage from less than good homes. Sounds like he's doing well with it! :)

09-14-2016, 10:42 AM
With Gizmo he's really good with me. Even when I want him to do something he doesn't want to, he will give me a pinch rather then a full on bite. Hubby has been bitten 3 times since we've got him that have drawn blood. He has one on his hand where the tip of the beak got him and it's been taking a while to totally heal. On a good note tho, he's stepped up on his arm 3 times now. The catch is he can't walk away from the swing (that's the only place he will step up for him). He's been trying to call me "mom" when talking to him so that he will associate he's going to me when he steps up. The theory is good but I don't know if Gizmo will catch on to that. Cleo (blue and gold) did and that's how my youngest would get her to step up on him. Her prize for doing so would be coming to me :)

I bet your home it can be interesting! It gets interesting here when we run on errands on the weekend. When we get home the dog, Gizmo and Lacey want attention... all at the same time. It gets quite noisy til everyone gets some attention lol.

09-14-2016, 11:31 AM
The noise level when I get home from work is nothing short of deafening!!!! My dogs want to go out, all big parrots want attention NOW!!! When I'm not doing something around the house, I've got a parrot with me getting love, attention and head scritches! Nutriberry and nut treats only hold them off for so long! :lol

The swing makes Gizmo a captive audience, so to speak. I've had a few bites that take forever to heal because parrot beaks are not the cleanest places! Gizmo has the ability to do LOT of damage but he seems to be accepting your husband, for now. Hopefully, that will get better. Monty, my DYH, isn't as terrified of men as he was when he came here about 10 years ago. He was badly abused by men and men were pure evil to him! Now the thing that gets him totally riled up is me messing with Alex or her coming to sit with me. He doesn't like to share but he has no choice. Alex goes where she wants and when she wants. She's a much better flier than he is. Of course, she's lighter, too. :)

09-14-2016, 12:13 PM
Gizmo doesn't fly.... yet. I am planning on letting him grow in his flights (if they ever grow back). My husband was kinda laughing when said "i wonder if he can fly he'll just dive bomb me and attack". I know he was joking but if he really don't like him it sounds like something that could literally happen. Do you have any birds that attacked from above? It makes me wonder if growing those flights is a good thing or bad. I guess time will tell and we'll see what happens when they come in.

09-14-2016, 12:52 PM
"i wonder if he can fly he'll just dive bomb me and attack".
Yes. I do but not people. Alex, my Blue Front Amazon, does not like either of my Macaws. She will quite literally fly at them and buzz just over their heads! They duck or Alex would be in trouble!

How long as Gizmo not been able to fly? He may not be willing to be too adventuresome if it's been a very long time. What could happen is Gizmo go after your husband to protect you from what he perceives as a threat to you, whether it is or is not. You are Gizmo's main person and he will defend you as if you were his feathered companion. Monty will do that with Alex but I'm safe if I'm on the other side of the room because Monty is not a strong flier like Alex is!

09-14-2016, 01:06 PM
Your guess is as good as mine on how long it's been since he's flown. They way they have him clipped I wanna say it's been pretty long. The vet just shook his head and said "if" they do grow back in it could be at least a year or possibly more. I was hoping Gizmo would form some sort of "agreement" with Thomas to at least tolerate him. lol. I know that's a big order but I guess I'm going to cross my fingers and hope for the best.

09-14-2016, 02:05 PM
As long as the feather follicles are not damaged, those flights will grow back. Your vet is right about how long it can take for all those new feathers to grow in. A complete molt of all parrot feathers takes about a year, simply because not all feathers are molted out at the same time.

Gizmo's fear of men should lessen over time when he realizes he's completely safe. It took Monty almost 6 years to unpack all his baggage. Just take it slowly and see where it takes you. Ultimately, Gizmo will make the final decision.

11-13-2017, 10:02 AM
well it's happened!, finally lol. Gizmo has finally accepted my husband as one of the flock. He allows my hubby to take him off play stand, off his cage (most of the time) and will sit on the sofa with him and allow scritches and some petting. I feel soooo much better knowing if i couldn't do some things that he will allow my hubby to do them. It took almost a year and a half but we are in the right direction.

I started a bedtime routine that involved my hubby to "help" him get ready for bed. I bring him out of the bird room to say goodnight and in the beginning he would step on hubbys arm for about 10 seconds, then 30 seconds and so on. Now he expects to say goodnight and stays with hubby as long as i allow him to delay bedtime lol. Gizmo still has to know where i am in case he changes his mind and wants back to me but he spends at least 15 - 20 mins now with him at a time.

11-13-2017, 10:17 AM
This sounds like a positive thing! Gizmo's flock has increased by one but he's still momma's baby! Dao, my male Military Macaw, only has one flock member......me! He's been with me since 1991 and try as I will, I can't increase his flock. :(

Parrots really are characters and they know what they want!

11-13-2017, 10:31 AM
This sounds like a positive thing! Gizmo's flock has increased by one but he's still momma's baby! Dao, my male Military Macaw, only has one flock member......me! He's been with me since 1991 and try as I will, I can't increase his flock. :(

Parrots really are characters and they know what they want!

Ain't that the truth!!! lol