View Full Version : Stolen parrot article

11-08-2005, 03:33 PM
You all have to take a look at his newspaper article! A friend e-mailed it to me! Linda, Jennifer and all you other Floridians, watch out! :D


11-08-2005, 03:50 PM
My question is, How did she "stuff" a Greenwing in her bra? :eek: Even as a baby that's a pretty good size birdie. Unbelievable!! I'm glad she got caught fidnapping >:

11-08-2005, 03:55 PM
Let me tell you that I wouldn't dare stuff Big Boi in my bra! I'd be boobless after he got through with me! :D Seriously, I can't imagine HOW it was done and I wish that had been explained!

11-08-2005, 04:26 PM
Didn't anyone notice her bra moving? Or it was an adult....speaking/making noise???? I don't mean to make light of the situation, thankfully the bird is back where it belongs, but my bra would be the last place I'd think of stashing a bird....even a lovie.

Buy A Paper Doll
11-08-2005, 05:28 PM
OK I just have to ask if anyone has noticed that every time you read an article about some nut trying to hide a bird in their clothes, it's someone in Florida???

11-08-2005, 05:29 PM

We have men putting them in their shorts, now women smuggling them in their bras. Brave soles are they?? I mean they could have a nipple pierced, or a circumcision, or worse :eek:

Kidding aside, she obviously was putting a baby at risk, as I am assuming it was a baby to have fit in her bra. I'm glad she was stupid enough to try and trade the bird for a car, else this story most likely would not have had a good ending :(

11-08-2005, 06:10 PM
Actually Rita sent me this link today to the story. It's a little more in-depth


While this particular story is strange, I've heard of lots of fidnapping with the big birds.

11-08-2005, 06:18 PM
HOLY MOLY!!!!! That is much more in-depth. Thanks, Laura. It does answer several questions that I had. Tell Rita, "hi" next time you hear from her. :)

11-08-2005, 06:30 PM
It's ashame she probably won't get the maximum sentence. She sure does deserve it. It makes the crime seem simple to get away with for some idiot out there willing to try. I am glad the baby was returned and is back with it's parents.

Laura, Tell Rita we miss her "bunches" or this much :grouphug1 :lol

11-08-2005, 07:01 PM
OK I just have to ask if anyone has noticed that every time you read an article about some nut trying to hide a bird in their clothes, it's someone in Florida???
Might be the heat. ;)

Laura, tell Rita she's a turkey and if she doesn't come back once in a great while, that you are going to send all the eggs to her house. :rofl: Though I know she's got some of her own too. :rofl:

11-08-2005, 08:11 PM
Bird theft is very real here in FL. Pets are stolen from their owner's homes in broad daylight. This is just one of many horror stories that I've heard about what goes on here in the warm sunshine state. Hey, even crooks like nice weather! Anyone ever wonder why I'm vague about where I live and exactly how many/what kind of birds I have????? I'm also very skiddish about strangers coming to my house and seeing my birds.

Crystal Taylor
11-08-2005, 08:53 PM

And here I was thinking you hadn't gotten back to me about picking out a lovie this weekend because you were slaving away at book-keeping! Don't worry... I'll only shove one or two in my bra on the way out the door! ;)


11-08-2005, 08:58 PM
Linda, I don't blame you at all and think you're very wise to always consider your birds safety first! It is sad to think that someone would come into your home and possibly steal a bird but unfortunately, we know it could happen (especially if *I* knew where you lived! ;)) Seriously, if I were a breeder and selling birds, I would really want to KNOW the person before they came into my home. BTW, Rubygem did not invite me into her breeder room. Rightly so. They were on eggs and I was an outsider....she was protecting her birds and I appreciated that. Come to think of it, we talked about 10 times before I went to her house and she probably had me checked out before she gave me her address! Nope, I would not let a stranger into my home for a sale.

11-08-2005, 09:16 PM
Very few breeders (me being one of them) will allow strangers to see their breeders. When birds are breeding, they can abandon their eggs/babies if they think those eggs/babies are not safe. Some parents will even kill their chicks before they will let harm come to them. Security is a big thing with me, as I'm sure it is with Rubygem.

11-08-2005, 09:20 PM
When i was looking for birds and breeders i stayed away from ones who let you go to breeder room. To me did not sound ok or fair. I might ask for a picture of a birds parents to see their colors but never to see them if they are nesting. But to be honest I would never try sticking a bird in my bra. I like my body parts attached and not pierced..lol


11-09-2005, 12:01 PM
Just a quick follow up on this article. Last night on the news they were talking about this and they were showing a picture of "the bird", a full grown Green Wing :lol She must have had one BIG bra to get that thing smuggled out.

I've had people come to my house to purchase birds and they all have asked if they could go into the "bird room" to look. Of course all that noise coming from behind a door is going to make anyone curious, but no one goes in.

11-09-2005, 12:46 PM
Beyond putting breeders off their nests, don't you need to be careful about disease? You never know what other people have been walking in, or where they have been. If a potential customer has just been to a pet store and some of the animals were diseased, they could carry it into your aviary. Or, they may have walked in the droppings of wild outdoor birds without knowing it. Even if they say they haven't been elsewhere, there is really only one way to be safe.