View Full Version : DJ came out of the cage today.

10-22-2016, 04:21 PM
It took him awhile but he came out. I left both cages open while I filled veggie bowls. DJ would come out onto his balcony and start chirping to get everyone wound up, then he'd run back inside.

Opie and Otis didn't even attempt to come out. Opie stood on his coconut swing and shouted at the door and Otis hung out in the back. So I closed their cage. DJ eventually went on top of his cage and checked things out. Then he flew on top of the other cage and they chatted to each other for awhile.

Getting him back home wasn't too bad. He flew back to his own cage and landed on the seed guard and I picked him up easily.

I also noticed that not only have the O's decided to start eating nutriberries again. They are stashing them in the coconut swing too for snacks.

10-22-2016, 06:54 PM
They are stashing them in the coconut swing too for snacks.
The Os used to stash things in their coconut shell swing here, too. I'd find seed, pieces of cornbread, dried fruit, anything they thought would store well in their shell!

Now that DJ has come out, he may find he likes it and he will do it more often. :)

10-22-2016, 06:57 PM
The Os used to stash things in their coconut shell swing here, too. I'd find seed, pieces of cornbread, dried fruit, anything they thought would store well in their shell!

Now that DJ has come out, he may find he likes it and he will do it more often. :)

Yeah they've been stashing seeds and cornbread in it from day one. Today was the first time I've seen a whole nutriberry in there. (they haven't been eating them for awhile, this week they decided to eat them again).

DJ, has come out before, it just takes him awhile to do it when he does. I'm surprised he didn't try and fly anywhere. Going to the O's cage didn't really count as it's only a few inches.

10-23-2016, 05:39 PM
I'm not sure Cabo "stores" food in there so much as relocates it to the coconut to eat it there. He will spend quite a while moving food and then settle down to eat at what I call "Cabo's Coconut Grille". It occurred to me when I read this that perhaps it's Cab-O's Coconut Grille and it's now a franchise. :rotfl

10-23-2016, 07:09 PM
DJ seems to have mastered (or at least got better at) holding food down on the boing using his foot to eat it. Ditto was a master at that. DJ had just been trying to put it on the boing and eat it. of course it fell down.

While he was doing that I noticed Otise at the front of the cage (first time he's been there that I saw him). He was eating a nutriberry from the bowl. Then he climbed all the way across the front of the cage to the other side to get to the millet. He had to climb across the door to do that. :happy:

10-24-2016, 08:07 AM
Opie sort of came out of the cage this morning.

I was removing the food dish to fill it and he hopped on as I was taking it off the cage. That's not unusual, he's done that before. The difference this morning is that instead of hopping off onto the coconut as the bowl goes past it he stayed on and came with the food to the door. So I decided to see how close I could get and brought him up and looked him right in the eye. Fortunately I didn't wind up with a lovebird hanging off my nose by his beak! :rofl:

I moved the bowl back to the coconut and he hopped right in!

10-24-2016, 08:44 AM
It's great when a plan comes together! Opie is not aggressive and I've never been bitten. :)

10-24-2016, 09:11 AM
It's great when a plan comes together! Opie is not aggressive and I've never been bitten. :)

He's nibbled at my finger when I tried to remove the food dish a few times but not real bites.

Even Otis has been standing closer and chirping back to me while I talk to him for a bit before he wanders off.

10-25-2016, 12:43 PM
I'm glad to see things going well, Dave. It sounds like you're having a ball with these guys! :happy:

10-25-2016, 01:01 PM
I'm glad to see things going well, Dave. It sounds like you're having a ball with these guys! :happy:
:whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle::whis tle:
They are training him well!

10-25-2016, 05:04 PM
:whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle::whistle::whis tle:
They are training him well!

I'm a sucker for feathered faces! :whistle::whistle::whistle:

10-26-2016, 08:08 AM
I'm a sucker for feathered faces! :whistle::whistle::whistle:
Me, too! Love those little feathered creatures!!

10-26-2016, 08:18 AM
Me, too! Love those little feathered creatures!!

DJ is getting better at using his foot to hold food. Yesterday he was standing on his branch holding a shorter piece of millet spray in his foot like a big parrot.

And Opie was standing on one of the perches that run from the back of the cage to the front. When I walked over to the cage he walked to the front. I repeatedly said hello to him and I swear he was trying to say it back. I know I'm probably imagining it but it did sound like he was trying to say hello.

02-10-2017, 03:27 PM
I left DJ out again today. It took him awhile but he came out onto his balcony. I stood there with my shoulder next to the balcony and he looked like he was going to step on but he changed his mind.

When I went out to the kitchen to refill his water dish (he made sunflower seed hull soup) he took off.

I slowly walked in the room to make sure he wasn't on the floor to get stepped on but didn't see him. Then I did, he was hanging on the curtain looking out the window at the snow. Then he flew past me and stood on the computer monitor. From there he went to visit Otis. He we hanging on the side of the O's cage having a chat with Otis and when I put my hand up he stepped on and let me put him on top of the cage! :happy:

02-10-2017, 03:49 PM
Now that's progress!!!!! He's learning that you are going to give him a bit of freedom and it sounds like he's enjoying it! His grandfather is an OF Green Peachie named Rio and Rio enjoys attention and playing around. If he comes out of his cage, he likes to visit but will go back in when I'm done in his area and he wants to go back to see his beloved mate!

02-10-2017, 03:58 PM
Now that's progress!!!!! He's learning that you are going to give him a bit of freedom and it sounds like he's enjoying it! His grandfather is an OF Green Peachie named Rio and Rio enjoys attention and playing around. If he comes out of his cage, he likes to visit but will go back in when I'm done in his area and he wants to go back to see his beloved mate!

I did eventually scoop him up and put him in his cage but he would have eventually gone in on his own. I have no doubt. He flew back to it and stood on top several times.

Opie and I discovered a new game today too. I walked up to the cage and he climbed up right in front of my face. so I moved and so did he! :happy: