View Full Version : Somebirdy had a very busy beak today.

10-27-2016, 04:56 PM
I gave the O's a fresh bowl of avi-cakes and nutriberries last night since they finished off the last bowl. Took them a week to do that.

Today I came home and there were 2 whole berries and a few partials. The rest were chewed to crumbs.

Makes me wonder if Ditto came back. :rotfl

That's one of Ditto's habits they can forget to adopt.

10-28-2016, 05:57 AM
Temperatures are getting cooler and they need more food to create energy to stay warm! Besides, good food is hard to resist!!! :lol

10-28-2016, 06:47 AM
Temperatures are getting cooler and they need more food to create energy to stay warm! Besides, good food is hard to resist!!! :lol

cooler? It's been in the 30's the last few mornings outside. I think they're packing little suitcases and planning a trip back south. :rotfl

10-28-2016, 09:49 AM
cooler? It's been in the 30's the last few mornings outside. I think they're packing little suitcases and planning a trip back south. :rotfl
Temperatures here have been in the 60s at night and 80s during the day. My house is at 77F all year round so they are acclimating....... A trip south at this time of the year is quite pleasant!

10-28-2016, 09:52 AM
Temperatures here have been in the 60s at night and 80s during the day. My house is at 77F all year round so they are acclimating....... A trip south at this time of the year is quite pleasant!

I set my AC to 72 during the summer and in the winter the heat is between 72 and 74. At night I turn it down to the mid 60's.

10-28-2016, 04:37 PM
Busy beaks again today. DJ ate most of his nutriberries and the O's ate a bunch and chewed the rest to crumbs. I gave them a fresh bowl and Opie is right at them. Otis is eating the seeds. They'll probably switch places in a little bit.

10-28-2016, 11:11 PM
They sound like they are having an awesome time with their goodies. Have you tried the meal bars for them or the forage cake things that you heat and stuff into pasta shells or tiny cardboard thingys? Mine have lots of fun with those. :happy:

10-29-2016, 03:32 PM
Oh they're having a blast chewing the nutriberries to bits. Today I didn't replace the crumbs and they're eating them anyway, so far.

Ditto would have just tossed them all out and yelled for more.

10-31-2016, 11:47 AM
Love z28's posts...lol

10-31-2016, 01:17 PM
Ditto would have just tossed them all out and yelled for more.
These guys are more considerate of your bank account!!!!! :lol

10-31-2016, 01:21 PM
These guys are more considerate of your bank account!!!!! :lol

Well they don't go through nearly as much food as Ditto did. They're still eating the last of the nutriberries I bought for Ditto. But if the O's are going to keep eating them I'm going have to order more soon.

It's funny though. I'll look at the cage and opie will be eating seeds and Otis will be on the nutriberries, Look again and they've switched places. Then a minute later they've switched again! :rotfl

11-02-2016, 05:04 PM
They're still at it. Came home every day this week to a bowl full of crumbs.

DJ's cage was littered with them on the floor because he insists on carrying them around the cage.

Put all three of them into one bird and they've got all of Ditto's bad eating habits. :rofl:

Oh well, that's ok as long as they're happy. FED EX delivered $150 worth of goodies for them to eat today! :happy::happy:

11-03-2016, 08:14 AM
FED EX delivered $150 worth of goodies for them to eat today!
Gheesh! And I thought I was the only one who shops like that!!! Sounds like there's no lack of supplies at either of our homes!!! :lol :lol

11-03-2016, 08:33 AM
Gheesh! And I thought I was the only one who shops like that!!! Sounds like there's no lack of supplies at either of our homes!!! :lol :lol

I don't want to order every other week. Got 2 3 pound bags of garden veggie nutriberries, 2 sunny orchard nutriberries, a bunch of avi-cakes. Now that the O's have decided they're good I'm gonna need them.

Plus I needed some more seed so I got 2 bags of that.

This weekend we bake more birdy bread. These birds eat better than I do.:omg:

11-03-2016, 09:33 AM
I do the same thing. If I didn't, I'd also be buying every week so I just stock up. When I have 1 bag left, I restock. My flock gets very unhappy if I don't have what they want!

11-03-2016, 10:30 AM
I do the same thing. If I didn't, I'd also be buying every week so I just stock up. When I have 1 bag left, I restock. My flock gets very unhappy if I don't have what they want!

What I ordered whould probably only last a few days at your house. :rofl::rofl:

I definately don't want to run out of stuff they like. I'm still working on bribing my way into the flock.

One or both of the O's is getting creative with the food though. Yesterday I found a ball of either dried fruit or carrot that had been chewed up and stuck together in a nutriberry sized ball. :omg: I've seen them do that with raisins but never bits of nutriberries.

11-03-2016, 12:01 PM
We are the humble slaves whose sole purpose is to provide what they want......when they want it!!!

Trust me. My seed saver/seed cleaner has paid for itself 1,000 times over!!!!!

11-03-2016, 12:04 PM
We are the humble slaves whose sole purpose is to provide what they want......when they want it!!!

Trust me. My seed saver/seed cleaner has paid for itself 1,000 times over!!!!!

Gotta be ready in case we get snowed in.

11-03-2016, 12:08 PM
Gotta be ready in case we get snowed in.
Snow??????? Snow??????? Heck, I've not seen any of that since I left NJ in 1990!! Heat can be rough but I can always cool off. Snow tends to stay around a little while!

11-03-2016, 12:10 PM
Snow??????? Snow??????? Heck, I've not seen any of that since I left NJ in 1990!! Heat can be rough but I can always cool off. Snow tends to stay around a little while!

No snow here yet. Heck it's 70 degrees here today. But we're ready if it does.

11-08-2016, 05:01 PM
I think I've created 2 little monsters. For the second day in a row I came home and the nutriberry bowl was empty.

This is not a small bowl either. It's a 10 ounce bowl.

They're apparently having a blast eating them too because my carpet has so many nutriberry bits in it that it feels like gravel. I've had to vacuum 3 times since sunday. :omg:

They barely ate any of their cornbread or seeds. Last night they saved it for evening.

If all three of them eat like this I'm gonna need a second job! :rofl::rofl:

11-09-2016, 09:09 PM
Two words for ya Dave, robot vacuum! Mine is set to come on everyday at 2:00 pm when they are done with most of their sing flinging and settling in for afternoon naps. :). I only have to sweep or use the stick vac in the evenings that way. My big box of all things Lafaber arrived today :happy: Remy prefers the forage meal bars to anything else, the lovies are avicake addicts (and get the dust everywhere) and Skyy prefers nutriberries and pellet berries. (Why can't they make it easy for us?)

I'm considering Lafaber stocks. Between you,Linda and I, I don't see how the company could ever go under. :rotfl

11-10-2016, 06:36 AM
Well yesterday was day 3 with the empty bowl. Only this time they also ate all the cornbread and finished off their millet. they did set a record for the length of time a millet spray stayed in the cage. Usually if I give it to them on friday it's gone by saturday evening. This week it lasted until wednesday because of the nutriberries/avi-cakes.!

11-10-2016, 06:36 PM
Dave, are you sure they have beaks and not snouts? :rotfl

11-10-2016, 06:44 PM
They might be starting to go Oink! :rofl:

11-13-2016, 10:08 AM
It seems Opie has come to the same conclusion about nutriberries that Ditto did. They taste better from the bottom fo the bowl. He insists on digging a hole and eating from the bottom of the bowl. Then when the crumbs start filling it and falling in on his head he starts kicking them out.

Otis on the other hand eats from the top.

This morning I filled the bowl and went to visit my brother. I came home an hour and a half later and it was empty again. Not much on the floor this time. :omg:

The sparrow friends are happy that the O's have decided to tear into the nutriberries. I dump all the crumbs from the cage trays out back and there are a million sparrows out there having a feast. They almost followed me into the house for more! :omg:

11-14-2016, 04:52 PM
Well I got tired of Opie kicking all the crumbs out of the bowl so I tried an experiment.

Two weeks ago when they started eating them again the bowl was hanging on the front of the cage next to the door. Opie did not kick everything out. Last week I moved it over to the side near the perch where they sleep (and where I put the veggie bowl in the evenings).

Ove there Opie went nuts and would empty it in hours. in the evenings I'd put it back where it was and put the veggies on the side and he'd behave. eat but not toss.

So today I left it on the front of the cage and it wasn't tossed. And I've seen both of them eating like civilized birds not crazed sharks. :rofl:

11-15-2016, 07:56 AM
Leave it to a lovebird! Smart lovie slave for figuring out the game! They are such characters! Don't know what I would do without a lovebird at my house!

11-15-2016, 09:26 AM
Leave it to a lovebird! Smart lovie slave for figuring out the game! They are such characters! Don't know what I would do without a lovebird at my house!

Yep. Opie still hasn't kicked the stuff out.

11-25-2016, 10:57 PM
Reading this after sweeping the bird room twice today...:omg: Cabo just loves to sling to food. Skyy is actually worse because she hangs upside down to eat and Remy scratches his out like a chicken. :rotfl I stared sweeping this morning and Skyy said "cleaning the floor cause Cabo is messy!" :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl. I may try moving bowls around to see if that will help now since it worked for Dave. :happy:

11-26-2016, 08:07 AM
Reading this after sweeping the bird room twice today...:omg: Cabo just loves to sling to food. Skyy is actually worse because she hangs upside down to eat and Remy scratches his out like a chicken. :rotfl I stared sweeping this morning and Skyy said "cleaning the floor cause Cabo is messy!" :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl. I may try moving bowls around to see if that will help now since it worked for Dave. :happy:

Well Otis has started getting revenge. He goes into the seed dish and starts kicking out hte seeds. I wake up in the morning to shoes full of seeds.:rofl:

11-29-2016, 09:32 AM
Sooooo moving bowls did not work. Lol. Oh well it was worth a try. And Dave, seed filled shoes are the worst! Especially when you think you got them all and after a few hours realize you are walking on a sun flower hull. :roll: But I guess that's still better than someone walking up to going "is that poop in your hair?" :rotfl

11-29-2016, 04:53 PM
Well moving the nutriberries worked. Opie stopped kicking that bowl empty. Otis on the other hand now goes after the seeds.

Today so far he hasn't done it. Maybe he got it out of his system... Ha not likely, it's probably because it was dark and raining all day.

DJ on the other hand made a royal mess like always. nutriberries on the floor, and 3 in the water.

11-29-2016, 06:52 PM
Isn't it amazing that we have no problem cleaning up mess after mess after mess. They sure have us trained well. :rotfl. But I think we need a raise! LOL

11-29-2016, 07:07 PM
Isn't it amazing that we have no problem cleaning up mess after mess after mess. They sure have us trained well. :rotfl. But I think we need a raise! LOL

I keep telling them that they're lucky they're so darn cute.

11-29-2016, 10:38 PM
Isn't that the truth!! I try to fuss at Cabo and he cocks that cute little orange lovie head at me and gives me that "it wasn't me" look and I just give up. Lol. If I get a grumpy voice with Skyy she'll often say "it's okay, gimme a kiss" :rotfl They out cute themselves everyday. Lol

12-04-2016, 03:28 PM
Isn't that the truth!! I try to fuss at Cabo and he cocks that cute little orange lovie head at me and gives me that "it wasn't me" look and I just give up. Lol. If I get a grumpy voice with Skyy she'll often say "it's okay, gimme a kiss" :rotfl They out cute themselves everyday. Lol

These three don't even bother with the I didn't do it look. they just look at me with the Yeah I did that but I'm so cute you can't be mad look! :rofl:

12-04-2016, 07:33 PM
These three don't even bother with the I didn't do it look. they just look at me with the Yeah I did that but I'm so cute you can't be mad look! :rofl:

You mean the look where you can imagine them fold their little wings, putting their wing tips on their hips and saying "yeah, and?" Then mumbling "like you're gonna do anything about it." Lol. That look? :rotfl

12-11-2016, 03:51 PM
Their beaks were very busy today. The newspaper in the tray under the grate was reachable through the grate and opie discovered it. He was chewing up little strips and attempting to tuck them into his tail (they'd fall out as soon as he tried to go up to the perch with them). Then Otis saw him and joined in. They made quite a mess. :rofl::rofl:

12-12-2016, 09:01 AM
Perhaps get them side jobs shredding paper! It would keep them happy, as well as busy!!!

12-12-2016, 09:03 AM
Perhaps get them side jobs shredding paper! It would keep them happy, as well as busy!!!

It's better than seed kicking! :rofl:

Well I shouldn't have said that. I came home today to a crunchy carpet. Opie kicked all the crumbs out of the nutriberry bowl again.

12-13-2016, 04:56 PM
Well he was a good boy today. After emptying the nutriberry bowl yesterday today they chewed them up but didn't kick everything out and opie was foraging and eating the crumbs when I got home. In fact I see sunflower seed hulls in there.

There weren't any sunflower seeds in that bowl, just nutriberries so he had to go to the back of the cage, grab a sunflower and bring it to the front!

Busy busy birdies! :happy:

12-13-2016, 11:07 PM
At least the floor wasn't crunchy today. :rotfl. I was changing water and took my water and bath dishes down to wash them and had a floor covered in shredded cardboard because the puppy got bored so it took me a little time to get back upstairs. I gave Skyy her bath dish first and she immediately began her bath. Cabo always jumps in his when Skyy is in hers but as his was still downstairs, he decided that the deep dish that holds his avicakes would have to do. He and Kenya had turned the avicakes to dust earlier in the day so he flung himself into a bowl full of avicake dust and nutriberry remnants and "bathed" in it. :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl of course I had already swept and steamed the floor :(. That dust flew everywhere! Thankfully he took a water bath a few minutes later so I didn't have a sticky dusty bird very long.

12-14-2016, 05:08 PM
At least the floor wasn't crunchy today. :rotfl. I was changing water and took my water and bath dishes down to wash them and had a floor covered in shredded cardboard because the puppy got bored so it took me a little time to get back upstairs. I gave Skyy her bath dish first and she immediately began her bath. Cabo always jumps in his when Skyy is in hers but as his was still downstairs, he decided that the deep dish that holds his avicakes would have to do. He and Kenya had turned the avicakes to dust earlier in the day so he flung himself into a bowl full of avicake dust and nutriberry remnants and "bathed" in it. :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl of course I had already swept and steamed the floor :(. That dust flew everywhere! Thankfully he took a water bath a few minutes later so I didn't have a sticky dusty bird very long.

Well shortly after I typed it the little feet started moving and crumbs went flying. But I asked him to stop and he did! :omg: I know it was coincidence but It made me feel good anyway. :rofl:

Today, No crunchy floor and the nutriberries were just dust!

12-18-2016, 07:20 PM
My floor is always crunchy :(. I've thought about trying those feeders that are supposed to keep them from flinging seed. Have you used those, Dave? I can see how they might work for the lovies ok unless Cabo keeps doing this seed bath thing he has started. Idk what's up with that. He's molting so maybe he's itchy. Have you ever given yours sand to roll in? I know my chickens and guineas love it.

Skyy uses her feet so much I doubt the feeders would do well with her.

12-18-2016, 07:46 PM
Opie figured out how to stop him.

When he starts kicking, opie unhooks one side of the dish and Otis takes off.:rofl: