View Full Version : Princess Parrot color

11-29-2016, 07:15 PM
Linda, looks like you may have called it right and he may be a juvenile male. Remy has entered a little molt and look what's happening with that head and how much his beak has darkened! His flank and rump are getting brighter blue as well. His irises are more orange now I think. The head is turning blue slowly. Do the females get that bright blue feathering on their heads at all? He's still too young for the spatule on the flights but he has a real butcher job on those wings any way so it's going to take a full molt before he has flights anyway. I'm not sure how well the blue head will show up in the pic. He's very hard to get a picture of. Lol. Spastic little bird! We are learning how to communicate but I'm slow at his language. Did yours play together when you had the pair? He does this thing where he starts bumping with his beak the I think he tries to wrestle with my hand. (And I have the scars to prove it) but it's a very playful non aggressive thing. He likes to skid around on the floor too and it's hysterical. I wish I could find more info about their behavior so I could understand his actions better. But we are trying together.

http://i878.photobucket.com/albums/ab342/JamieBaughman/IMG_2162_zpsfl0fbhif.jpg (http://s878.photobucket.com/user/JamieBaughman/media/IMG_2162_zpsfl0fbhif.jpg.html)