View Full Version : He's talking!!!!!

12-03-2016, 05:22 PM
Wayne was setting up the TV I got for the bird room. (Yes they have their own tv now. Don't judge. :whistle:). Anyway, I went up to check progress and he says "why didn't you tell me Remy was saying "good morning" and "love you " and making kissie sounds? I said because he doesn't. Wayne said yes he does. He's been doing it non stop for ten minutes. :omg: Needless to say he clammed up the whole time I was in the room. :(. Those are Skyy Bird's most repeated phrases som I'm guessing she has taught yet another bird to say a few things. The Princess Parrots are not reputed to be very talkative birds but leave it to Skyy to get him speaking. We are super excited. Just wanted to share with y'all. :happy:

12-04-2016, 12:37 PM
That's amazing!!!!

12-04-2016, 01:27 PM
Thanks Maxie! I got to hear him this morning :happy: He has a surprisingly clear little voice. I expected him to sound more like our green cheek, very course and gravely, but it's more like the asiatic parrots cartoony little voice. His inflection is identical to Skyy's so no doubt he has picked up the phrases from her. I swear she could teach a chicken to talk. Lol