View Full Version : Mijo is HOME !!!!!!!!!

11-08-2005, 08:41 PM
Well after much anticipation and preparation, Mijo has finally made it home :happy: :happy: . He had a rough morning having to be put in a pet carrier, taken to the doctor and then to a new home :( . He is adjusting well. I'm already worried he's lonely as he has been living in a petstore for the last five months and our house is COMPLETELY quiet. The petstore is very loud with lots of people, little space, and the radio constantly playing.

My husband just went upstairs to check on him because we heard him ringing :rolleyes:. He's so sweet and hansome I hope he's happy here. It will be much better after Q is over and he can come live downstairs in the living room.

The vet appointment went well. To both the vet's and my surprise (he was in a petstore for 5 months :x ), Mijo's gram stain came out fine as did his test for parasites. I paid extra and had a CBC done as well as a wing and nail clip. I also found out that he's not really all that bitey. The vet stuck her hand right in and while Mijo doesn't know the step up command he didn't bite her and when he was toweled he didn't bite that hard. I'd say Cookie is WAY more bitey than Mijo.

Anyway, that's the story of Mijo the African Grey and his first day as part of the Zimberhoffen family (named after Zim, our first lovie :D )

11-08-2005, 08:44 PM

Girl, you are waaaaay outta control :lol

Mijo sounds like a sweetheart, or at least on his way to being one. I'm sure you will have him eating out of your hand in no time :)

I gotta ask ya know....... Pics please :D

11-08-2005, 08:47 PM
Congrats, Laura!
Glad to hear that Mijo finally made it to your place! It's been a long time coming and I'm sure he will be very happy with you!

It's quite a change from pet shop to home environment. Lucky, my B&G macaw, took about a month to settle down. When she did, the difference was very noticeable. Some birds like that kind of atmosphere, while others do not do well at all. They tend to be a lot calmer when they get a chance to rest without being disturbed or people constantly annoying them. All of my larger parrots will "cat nap" during the afternoon and pet shop birds don't always have that luxury.

With that said, how about some photos.....when Mijo is ready! :lol

11-08-2005, 08:48 PM
Laura, :D, :D, :D!!!!! I am so excited for you and especially for Mijo! I can't wait to see photos and to hear more about him and how he's adjusting! Congratulations! :)

11-08-2005, 08:50 PM

Great news! What more can you ask for - healthy bird and cutie on top of that :D

Buy A Paper Doll
11-08-2005, 08:56 PM

I had to laugh when you said your house is completely quiet. All those lovies can't be completely quiet!!

11-09-2005, 10:36 AM

I had to laugh when you said your house is completely quiet. All those lovies can't be completely quiet!!

Too true :rofl: :rofl:. Luckily Mijo is locked away in our room which is much quieter. I'm really glad his vet appointment went well because both Won Ton and Zim got into the room. I swear to you, they know when they aren't supposed to be in the room because they just wait for a sliver of light and they are in. I even hit Won Ton with the door because he waited til' the door was almost closed before he flew in and it took me forever to get them out :evil:. I know that's officially breaking Q but I'm still not taking any chances and keeping everyone away.

Well we had an interesting night last night. Mijo got on top of his cage because we had his door open, but then he wouldn't go back in. I tried everythng to get him in, but nothing worked. Finally like three hours later he finally flopped on the floor when I was teaching him to step up on a dowel. When he landed on the floor I just picked him up like a football and put him in his cage. I think he was nervous and scared because once we covered him he was moving all around the cage for awhile.

He also freaked me out because I think he was getting a little hormonal with me :rolleyes: . I was in with him and he started getting real thin and put his wings out and started this weird wimper/wheezing noise and gacked. I knew he was fine because he would stretch out every few minutes and give me a kiss :) . My husband's experience wasn't so good. Apparently when he put his hand in Mijo's cage he got nipped. Now he's really scared of Mijo. I'm scared of the beak and get an energy rush whenever I put myself in a position to get bit.

Overall, I love Mijo :) . He's pretty funny and I don't think it will be long before he adjusts to living here. I will get photos soon. I don't want to freak him out too much. You should of seen his reaction when I showed him the big rope perch we want to put in his cage :eek:.

11-09-2005, 11:56 AM
I'm glad he's finally home. It's a big transition for him and for you. He'll adjust and be comfortable in time and with your patience and loving, he'll thrive. WELCOME HOME MIJO!

11-09-2005, 02:29 PM
He sounds just great to me considering all he has been through.
Congratulations!! :D

11-09-2005, 02:43 PM

Mijo sounds like such a sweetie. I hope he will take to your hubby too, as I know how it drives them nuts when a bird doesn't like them. My poor hubby is heartbroken that Cappie has decided he's evil, but he keeps trying, and it's starting to show results. I do let him give Cappie his birdie bread, and his treat, so that helps ;)

11-10-2005, 09:23 PM
Congratulations!!!!!.....LauraO!!!.....Way to Go!!!....can't wait to see pictures!...I know Mijo is going to love it there.....how can he not with all those lovies floating around. :D :p :D