View Full Version : Can someone tell me the age of my lovebird :)

12-20-2016, 08:24 AM
Hello Everyone,

Could one of you help me out, I need to know roughly how old my lovebird is. Her name is grace.

I got her from a huge birdhouse in the UK and there were hundreds of lovebirds there, she was the smallest one we could see so we assumed the youngest.

Thanks in advance



12-20-2016, 08:33 AM
What a cute little Green Masked Lovebird!

I can tell you that she is at least 3-4 months old, perhaps older. Unlike Peachfaced Lovebirds, Masked Lovebird don't have the dramatic feather color changes that happen at about age 4 months. They do have a dark line splotch across their upper beaks when they are babies but yours does not have that.

Some lovebirds are naturally small and it goes back to the genetics of the parents. Larger birds will usually produce larger offspring.

12-20-2016, 01:35 PM
Such a cutie pie!!!!! And seems so friendly to come from a large aviary!! Like Linda said over 4 months for sure. Id guess around 5-6 months IF they weren't handled often at the bird house. If they were she could be older. Her beak and nail length makes me think older but that's never very exact because genetics and food and environment can also affect that. Congratulations on your new baby!!!!