View Full Version : Conure x lovebird hybrid

01-31-2017, 08:44 PM
Yeah, that hybrid isn't possible but if it were, I'd be having Blue Crown X Fischer's hybrids in a few weeks :omg: The issues with Cabo dive bombing and attacking Remy ended as soon as Skyy allowed mating to actually occur. Now the two of them go hang in Skyy's cage for a little hanky panky several times while they are out together. When they venture out of her cage, they are fairly tolerant. Not friendly but tolerant. I think Cabo felt that he had to compete for mating rights and now that he has "won". He has settled down. Kenya is pretty ticked off about Cabo's mistress but Cabo is still attentive to Kenya and Skyy is actually more tolerant of Kenya now. I found that unless I want stitches, it's best not to put apenages in Skyy's cage while Cabo is in there with her. Lol. She is viscous when she's with her man. Not to be vulgar, but the lengths that this tiny lovebird goes to mate with that large conure are hysterical. He hangs upside down by the base of her tail. I don't know what to do except give them some privacy. Lol :rotfl

02-01-2017, 07:51 AM
What can I say????? It's amazing some of the situations that can occur when parrots are kept in captivity! This would not happen in the wild but sometimes there is nothing you can do but let them do their thing.

If Skyy is a Fisher's x Peachfaced cross, he's sterile anyway. Eye-ring hybrids can actually reproduce more eye-ring hybrids but in either situation, you should not see any little ones from this kind of mating! :)

02-01-2017, 09:10 AM
You kind of just scared me a little bit. Skyy is the Blue Crown female. Cabo is the pure Fischer's male. Neither of the birds is sterile to my knowledge. When Cabo began being amorous to Skyy, I did all of the research I could and basically it came back that it is not possible for a blue crown to lay fertile eggs after exposure to a lovebird. The genetic code is just too far off. I hope that I am not incorrect because I am opposed to hybridization. Please let me know if you have information that differs from that. I usually see hybrids from within more closely related species. BUT it's probably not common for a blue crown and a Fischer's to decide they are a couple. The situation may be funnier for you now that I have clarified which is the male and which is the female.

It does lead to another question. Skyy obviously sees her cage as her hole in a tree. I know that mating will often lead to egg laying even off they are not fertile. Should I give the conure a nest box just in case she decides to lay empty eggs? I've never had my lovebirds lay without a box. IF Skyy forms an egg, is she going to get egg bound without one or will she likely expel it on the cage floor?

Cabo and Skyy were my first two in this flock. Cabo bonded with Skyy as a youngster and we know how strong that lovebird bond is. Kenya is supposed to be the product of a blue series black mask and a Fischer's. One parent was a visual blue, the Fischer's was split to blue. Kenya exhibits both colorations and it technically a Half sider though a poor example. She should be a fertile bird. I'm starting to think Cabo just never mated with her because his soulmate was across the room. They were separated for a while. But never forgot each other. Their bond is actually quite touching.

02-01-2017, 12:58 PM
OK. I guess I misread your description of Cabo. I thought Cabo was hybrid. Sorry about that!

If Skyy is going to lay an egg, she will do it with or without a nest box. I usually don't give one unless there's an egg, simply because I don't want to encourage egg laying. However, if she's mating, you may get an egg either way so giving her one might be what you need to do.

Egg binding is usually caused by a calcium deficiency or an oversized egg that just cannot be laid. I make sure I give hens in laying condition extra calcium and just keep a careful eye on them. I've only lost 1 or 2 to egg binding and it was because I didn't realize they were in trouble quickly enough.

Kenya should be fertile since the cross is eye-ring to eye-ring.