View Full Version : Green cheek conure

02-27-2017, 12:25 PM
So, I was at the pet shop on Friday and fell in love with a green cheek conure. I knew I shouldn't have held him but I did and that was it. I've even named him. Romeo❤️ I know better than to make an impulsive purchase so I walked away in love. I can't get him out of my mind and I might just go back and bring him home to his Juliet (me :) )

I just have a few concerns. One being, he hasn't been sexed and he hasn't been tested for PBFD. I would think for $500 they would at least provide that but they don't. Should I demand that test? He's about two months old.

Also, should I be worried that the guy that handled him at the pet shop had touched a rat just a few minutes before without washing his hands? Whenever I touch Max I always wash my hands. Am I being paranoid with the rat situation? I know it's not a sewage rat but they gross me out.

Do GCC get along with lovebirds or does it depend on personalities?

I'm going to think hard before I make the decision but just wanted some feedback


02-27-2017, 01:28 PM
Green Cheek Conures are very easy to fall in love with! Ask me. I have 2........ Skye came from a private breeder and he's a large bird. This particular breeder is anal about her birds and she tests for everything! Her prices reflect that, too!

Zoey came to me through Craig's List from a private owner who only had 1 bird. She had Zoey for a few years and Zoey's feathering is perfect. However, Zoey was purchased at PetSmart and he's a much smaller conure. I've not tested either of them, as situations didn't really make me suspicious.

My own personal opinion is to look around for a private breeder. $500.00 for a Green Cheek Conure is a pet shop price and I think you can probably do better. I doubt that the shop would be willing to do a test for PBFD, even if you said you would pay for it. Their goal, at the end of the day, is to sell birds as quickly as possible so they can make a profit. The longer they have a bird, the less their profit.

Birds CAN survive PBFD but it's VERY contagious and it's not a risk I would want to take with Max.

02-27-2017, 01:52 PM
Thanks for the advice Linda.

Romeo is from Petsmart too. You're right about them just wanting to sell but not a lot of people buy expensive parrots so maybe if I put a deposit down and tell them that the test is the only thing preventing me from buying him, they might do it. (I hope)

I've seen conures at Petsmarts sometimes there for years and no one buys them. I'll use that as leverage :)

I'm going to go back and see what they say.

As for breeders, I found some online but how do you know a good breeder from a bad breeder? Is there anything in particular I should be looking for?

On another note, for the first time today Max took a bath in the palms of my hands under a running tap!! He usually bathes in a dish so when he did this today, I was over the moon! :whistle:

02-27-2017, 03:33 PM
I wish you luck with having the test for PBFD done. I agree that a lot of parrots in pet shops are so expensive that most people cannot afford them! Pet shop rule of thumb is to buy inexpensive and mark up their purchase price by up to 50%. That's why I stopped dealing with stores. That tame cockatiel that they bought from me for $20.00 was tagged for sale for 49.95 or even 59.95 if the Tiel was considered "fancy."

I would find out if they offer a health guarantee and get it in writing!

If I'm looking for a breeder, I ask those who have purchased parrots from breeders and see what they say.

02-27-2017, 05:32 PM
I know it's a long shot getting them to do the test but I'll give it a shot.

Ok, so I'll see if I can find a breeder that will provide a vet certificate.
