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04-21-2017, 10:18 AM
Hello! My dad has recently purchased two female lovebirds on Wednesday and even though I have researched everything I can on the internet, I would still like some tips on how to take care of them. One of the lovebirds, Pip, is very quiet while the other, Emma, tends to be more active and just today I extended my finger outside of the cage and she showed signs of wanting to bite. I am also unsure of their gender.

So far, I communicate everyday with the birds before going to school, after arriving home, and sometimes watch their behaviour for 10-15 minutes. I feed them specialised seeds and offer them new fruits or vegetables each day. I gave them tomatoes today and will give them bananas tomorrow. I am wondering, is that okay?

Also, I have read somewhere that lovebirds poop a lot, and it proves true for these two lovebirds. In fact, Emma pooped when she arrived at home! The cage is getting smellier because of this and I want to clean it, but I am afraid if I open the cage to let the birds out so that I can clean it they will fly away. Should I wait until they are tame to clean the cage or is there another option?

There are also a few questions I am wondering about:
1. I clean the food and water trays daily with the soap used to clean dishes. Is that okay? Or should I purchase a special kind of soap for birds?
2. When is the appropriate time to let them out of their cages? Their cage is outside of the house and my sister suggested to let them out after 2 weeks, but I am still unsure.
3. Do I need to bring the birds to a vet monthly for checkups or quarterly? Or yearly?
4. What toys should I put in the cage?

There is also the issue of the fear of opening the cage cause I do not want the birds to fly away. I put in their veggies and fruits through a tiny slot where the food tray goes, but taking them out is a hassle and I am afraid that if I were to put toys in the cage, they will not fit. What is the best way to solve that issue?

I think that's all I would want to know. I'm sorry for this long post :(:( I really want to provide the best care for my birds :3


04-21-2017, 12:21 PM
Hi and welcome to Lovebirds Plus Community! We are happy to have you with us!

These 2 lovebirds were raised in captivity and I would not let them out of their cage outside under any circumstances! They have no idea what to eat if you don't feed them and they have no idea how to deal with predators. Letting them out of their cage is basically a death sentence because the chances of returning to their cage is slim to none. Even if they were tame, this is not something I would do. If you need to clean the cage, bring it inside or get a different cage that is easier to work with.

Lovebirds need a LOT of attention to become tame and human socialized. Lovebirds are seed and veggie eaters in their natural habitat (Africa). Some will eat fruit, but most won't. Food not to give them include avocado, chocolate, fried foods or sweets. Avoid spinach because it's high in oxalic acid which binds usable calcium.

You can use regular soap when cleaning their dishes as long as you rinse well. Vet visits are recommended annually just to make sure they are doing OK. Lovebirds usually like swings and things they can shred. I like anything made from bamboo. Avoid bells, as clappers can be removed and possibly swallowed. I also avoid any toys that have string or use string. It can get wrapped around feet, toes and a myriad of other places you would never expect to see it!!!

04-21-2017, 01:11 PM
Thanks so much!
I will continue to interact with it everyday and see it's progress from time to time :D