View Full Version : Well I got him

11-09-2005, 05:18 PM
Hi all, I got the new lovie today. He has no name yet, I'm thinking Pickles or Pee-Wee or Sushi or Wasabi or Sherbert. I posted 3 pictures under the pictures category. Thanks for all the advice, support and information.

11-09-2005, 07:24 PM
Congrats on the lovie. I saw the pics and he's a cutie. I can't wait to hear more about his birdy adventures :)

11-09-2005, 07:45 PM
Well he's adjusting very well. I left the cage door open and he came out. He already loves sitting on my shoulder or chest, has given me kisses and perched on my son's arm. I think I'm naming him Martini

Buy A Paper Doll
11-09-2005, 07:45 PM
PeeWee. Now that's cute. :) And he's cute! I saw the photo over on the photo forum. If you don't plan on finding out his gender, any of the names you picked out are perfect!

Buy A Paper Doll
11-09-2005, 07:50 PM
(we were posting at the same time) Martini is also very cute!

11-09-2005, 08:42 PM
Yes, I like Martini! I really like Apple Martini's. Anyone else had one? :whistle:

Crystal Taylor
11-09-2005, 08:45 PM
Apple Martinis are good if there's lot of apple and not so much vodka.... I lost the ability to drink after high school. I guess I was a lucky one to get it out of my system before college in a way...

Is he green? You could name him Appletini.... but you'd have to agree to share the name with my next green lovie! It was actually what I had thought of since I already used "Mango" on my first green love-fid. I'll share if you will....

11-10-2005, 06:43 AM
Hi Crystal,

If you don't mind I think I'm gonna steal the Mango name instead. That is perfect, I was looking for a name that describes a bird that is green and orange and Mango it is!

11-10-2005, 08:55 AM
Yes, I like Martini! I really like Apple Martini's. Anyone else had one?

I can tell you that Lori (which one? you guess) has! An apple martini with caramel swirled around on the glass. YumYum!!! :D

I like "Mango" and think the name fits his colors perfectly! :) We do allow name stealing around here! :D We had several "Oliver's" at one time and if I ever get a hen, I will steal Laura's name....."Baby Girl." That is my favorite lovie name ever! "Birdy Boots" ain't bad either! :D Course, Laura has a real advantage......with 100 birds she can choose so many good names, right, Laura? :lol

11-10-2005, 09:27 AM
Yum!!! Janie, stop that! Now I want an apple martini and it's only 10:30 AM :lol

11-10-2005, 09:37 AM
Yum!!! Janie, stop that! Now I want an apple martini and it's only 10:30 AM :lol

Its 11:35 am here. You only have to wait 25 min for your apple martini :happy: (and how doe that song goes again? It's 5 o'clock somewhere? :whistle: )

11-10-2005, 09:38 AM
Another one of those days!

Congratulation on your new lovie. I think Mago is a perfect name. Seems like you're having a good start with the bonding. :)

Crystal Taylor
11-10-2005, 10:02 AM
Hi Crystal,

If you don't mind I think I'm gonna steal the Mango name instead. That is perfect, I was looking for a name that describes a bird that is green and orange and Mango it is!


It's a pretty common name for a Peach-Faced Lovebird and you are more than welcome to it! Who am I to say "NO THAT'S MY NAME?! :rofl:

Enjoy your new lovie and don't be surprised if others pick up that name too... who knows I may go for a repeat name of my Mango.... is that allowed... lol? It's very cute and totally fits green peach faced love monsters..... or you could name him MangoTini.... just a thought... enjoy!!! :happy:

11-10-2005, 10:16 AM
We had several "Oliver's" at one time and if I ever get a hen, I will steal Laura's name....."Baby Girl." That is my favorite lovie name ever! "Birdy Boots" ain't bad either! :D Course, Laura has a real advantage......with 100 birds she can choose so many good names, right, Laura? :lol

Janie: I have six hens a laying and would be more than happy to let them all hatch out and send them your way. You have a nice big birdy room and a bunch of birdy names all ready :rofl: :rofl:

11-10-2005, 10:28 AM
Laura, you're too kind! :D My husband would freak if he read this! :lol
My bird room is very small (12 X 14) but I think I DO have room for one more cage! :lol

Jackie, next time your on this side of town, I'll take you to the restaurant where my son works (actually both sons work there, younger son on weekends) and I'll buy you one of those Apple Martini's! Lori and I ate dinner there when she flew by. Their AM's are the best I've had. ;)