View Full Version : Does anyone's lovie talk?

11-09-2005, 07:47 PM
Just wondering if any of your lovebirds talk

11-09-2005, 07:52 PM

I gotta ask, is your name Lori? If so, that makes four we have here, myself included :D

Anyway, one of my lovies talks a little. He does not talk as plainly as larger parrots, but he does have a language only a Mother could understand :)

Bela says, "Luv you", "peek" for peek-a-boo, and he makes a noise when he wants a drink of water like a noise when we swallow. I would say most don't, but a few do. Repetition is the way to teach them though, and pick one or two words only as they say short phrases best. I say, "I love you", and all Bela says is the "Luv you" part. My GCC though can say "I love you" and the thing he says most is "MAMA", that he can say loud :lol

Buy A Paper Doll
11-09-2005, 07:59 PM
My pair don't talk but Melody can whistle the phrase "peek-a-boo." It's kind of hard to explain but she mimics the inflection in my voice when I say it, only instead of words, it's whistles. They both can wolf whistle but Melody is better at it than Milo.

11-09-2005, 08:07 PM
I have been trying to teach my lovebird with no luck yet with talking. I have taught her 2 whistles one i always did when i uncover her in the am and the ohter when i cover her in the pm and say "SLEEP". She does this on her own now when i cover or uncover . When she is tired she does her sleep whistle and the other whistle when playing or curious. It took a long time with repetition i hope i can get her to talk, She mimics my phone(beep beep) and my squeaky bedroom door.How long did it take for your lovie to start talking? Also if you have some methods for me to try. Thanks

11-09-2005, 09:14 PM
The only thing that stands out that I did was speak in excited tones. For example: When I said, "I love you" I said it in an excited high pitch tone. That probably explains why he yells, "Luv You" so loud :lol

11-10-2005, 06:44 AM

I gotta ask, is your name Lori? If so, that makes four we have here, myself included

Yes my name is Lori, I can't believe there are so many Lori's here. Are we all born in the 60's which is when the name was very popular?

11-10-2005, 07:34 AM

In the 60's. Baby boomers :D

11-10-2005, 07:44 AM
My Gracie talks, but only to the microwave and R2D2. ;)

11-10-2005, 08:41 AM
I have three and they ALL talk.....lovebird language! :D Not a single word of English out of any of my boys! But.....my older lovie, Oliver, who is very bonded to me does seem to understand many things that I say to him and he will always answer my contact calls (whistles) to him. The younger two chatter to each other all day long. They are definitely picking up some of the same sounds as Oliver and I was told to expect that. Some of their baby squeaks have already disappeared from their language.

I have read that it is more common for a female lovie to talk than a male but that neither are known for their talking abilities.

11-10-2005, 08:44 AM
Yes, another Lori born in the sixities. I was named after a little girl on the Edge of Night (soap opera) that was on the show at that time. 1961 to be more exact. Of course, Willow is young and doesn't talk. At least not yet.
but the other day he started this odd clicking sound. It was almost a vibration and kept doing it no matter what else he was doing. I watched him really close for a bit. Afraid he was choking or something. But he quit and has done it off and on since then. Mostly when he is playing in his cage. Anybody know what that sound is?

11-10-2005, 08:46 AM
Lori, I REMEMBER that Lori....from The Edge of Night!!!! I was born in '48 and was watching soaps at that time! You "Lori's" are a wee bit younger than I am! :D

11-10-2005, 09:52 AM
Blu says "hello", "thank you" , "pretty pretty", "pretty bird" and/ or "pretty Blu" (it sounds the same but sometimes you can clearly hear Blu and some other times it's clear as a bell, it's Bird). She says "want some" as well. It's not as clear as a bigger parrot when they talk or as clear as human speach. It is more tones then words. But people can understand what she is saying. Even my father in law who visits once a month can pick out what she says. She can whistle really well too! She can whistle parts of songs.

I do have a friend's who's lovebird talks as well. It's pretty impressive what that bird will say. If you're doing somethign and Bo can't see you, you'll hear "watcha doing?" among other things. :)

11-14-2005, 01:49 PM
I wouldn’t exactly say he’s talking, but when I talk to him (yes, I carry on one-sided conversations with him all of the time :D ) and he gets really happy, he makes this “chip CHIP” sound (second chip is in capital letters because he stresses it more). He also says “yes” by shaking his head up and down.

11-14-2005, 03:49 PM
I want a lovie that talks!!!....my tame pair came with what I thought were natural lovebird sounds.....but were all noises that were taught to them.....they would whistle....reeee ooooh reeet when they want to ride on your shoulder...make kissing, smacking, farting noises and they have have 2 different noises they would make when they are mad or object to something....one is a doodoot doodoot!....the other is a high pitched shrill that will put you down on your knees.....and I didn't know any better until I got an untamed pair.....and I say untamed.....they don't bite so I'm assuming they were hand fed....once they came all the cute whistles and noises stopped for a period of time because there was all of this chirping and loud real lovebird noises coming from both pairs....I was amazed that the tame pair had been taught all the sounds that they made prior to the wild pair. So if you have a young lovie now is the time to teach them. I do have a male tiel that wolf whistles, wiper will, pretty bird, sweetheart....and has since learned the lovebird whistle for a ride, but he doesn't know that is what it means. At the last bird show I visited I purchased 2 male tiels....and they have learned the wolf whistle and the come and get me whistle from the other tiel and myself because we do it back and forth. I have my computer in the bird room or vise-versa....the birds are in my computer/craft room so I can double duty my time. I like to make my own calendars and stationary/greeting cards. The only problem is I get a feather in the printer every now and then....I've put off making my calendars (for the moms)=3 and grandparents = 2 and my brother =1 and myself....because my printer hasn't been doing so hot lately. I have rearranged the room a zillion times trying to make it user friendly for everybirdie and they are on opposite walls of my desk and printer. Of course I haven't had time to make anything since I got all these birds between the spring and now because I'm on this board learning or cussing and discussing or taking care of these birds between laundry and potty training the new puppy. Anyway.....well, it's a book as usual!!! I really gotta work on cutting it down. Sorry. :rolleyes: