View Full Version : Taming Problems

06-18-2017, 06:46 AM
Hello again friends! :D

I am sorry for spamming the site with all of my problems; I am still technically new to birds and want to provide the best for my lovies.

So, let's start with the food. Pip and Emma eats nearly everything, EXCEPT for brightly coloured foods like oranges, papaya, and carrots. I am currently feeding them these stuff because I think they need to lose weight (I haven't weighed them because I do not know how; can someone help me with this?) and so I increased their vegetables and fruits intake. The problem is making them eat it.

The next problem: getting them to behave. How should I respond to their misbehaviours? I know not to raise my voice, not to abuse or hit them, or to sound panicked or distressed. If I see them misbehaving, I use the spray, but it often do not work. I have gotten to use my voice firmly, but at the same time I am afraid of raising it too high until to the point of shouting.

Final problem: How long will it take to tame them? They are confident enough to venture outside of the cage (I try to take them outside everyday for a few hours), and they are not afraid of flying to my shoulder occasionally. I still have problems with fingers cause they do bite them. I know all birds are different, but on average, how long until they will trust me?

Once again, this is super long, and I am horribly sorry for this long forum.

PS: Pip regurgitated to Emma and I am certain Pip is a boy now. Is he?


06-20-2017, 07:55 PM
Let me start with the regurgitation first. Feeding can be mutual and I've seem females feed males and vice versa! Nope. Does not indicate gender.

Peachfaced Lovebirds can vary in weight from 45 grams to 60 grams and all will be healthy. Size can be dependent on parental lineage and some lovebirds are just larger. Do not take away their sunflower seed, as they are native to Africa and need a diet higher in fat than parrots from around the globe. This is true for all African species.

As for veggies, they may not realize that veggies are food so you just have to keep offering. Perhaps let them see you eat a piece of carrot from what you are giving them. Patience....

As for how long it can take to win their trust, there really is no answer. Each bird is unique and some will never become friendly past just interacting with you. Yours just don't like fingers so you have to respect that. Cross the line and you know what their reaction will be.

06-20-2017, 08:39 PM
Oh okay, thanks Linda! :D

I made a mistake of removing their seeds from their diet and I would not be doing it again! My birdies looked so distressed without their seeds!


06-21-2017, 08:33 AM
In the wild. lovebirds are seed eaters! Pellet manufacturers will have us believe that an all pelleted diet is great for parrots. Fact of the matter, pellets are ground up seed with nutrients added. Pellets are also low fat, which may be fine for some species of parrot, but NOT African parrots. If I mix 10% pellets into my seed mixture, it's a LOT! Many of my lovebirds are "senior citizens" over the age of 10. I had one live to 20! The band on his leg was put on in 1996! Do I feed seed? Oh yes!