View Full Version : Earning my scared birds trust

06-25-2017, 08:26 AM
Hello everybody,

I just got my first lovebird about a week ago, it's blue personata lovebird and he is 12 weeks old.I bought from a breeder who clipped his wings and told me to tame him he needs a lot of attention. But the thing is I can't get near him.. when I change his food dish he climbs up on the wall of his cage. He also doesn't really respond to me when I talk to him. I do respond happily to him when he starts chirping though.
My question is am I doing this the right way ? I talk alot to him and his cage is stamding next to my chair, but he doesn't seem to interested. I also feed him millet and seed mix and tried to show him that he can eat grapes but he's like na-ah I ain't trusting you and your food for one inch. When he's out of the cage he just hides underneath my chair or bed -_- is this normal?

06-25-2017, 02:24 PM
Some breeders are just amazing!:omg:

To tame you new lovebird, you will have to earn his trust and that comes as he gets more experience with you. He is in a new home and in the wild, parrots are prey animals. He has to learn that you don't intend to make him your next meal!

Right now, just let him get used to you. Talk to him. Eat meals by his cage. Respond to his calls with your own. You want him to accept you as a member of his flock. This can take time, depending on the individual lovebird. Personatas tend to be shy and skiddish but they can also make absolutely fantastic pets!

Chances are the breeder did not offer much other than seed so getting him to at least try new food is going to require patience. Most lovebirds love veggies but only some will eat fruit. Try shredded carrots, carrot greens, kale, collard greens, green beans. Easy on spinach, as it's high in oxalic acid that can bind usable calcium. Nutriberries and Avi-Cakes also tend to be favorites.

Good luck!

06-26-2017, 09:17 AM
Thanks for the, response Linda,

I think I have made some progress though, last night when I was playing a video game I leaned closer to the tv cause I had to focus, while I did that I saw him climb to the corner of his cage so he could see me better.

Today I bought him a swing, a toy with wooden things and a bell on it and a birdie bath because when I change his water dish in thethe morning he goes for a dive even though he barely fits in. I showed it to him one by one in front of his cage but he's kinda scared so I guess I should wait with introducing him to it.

Indeed you could say he's a shy guy but I think that's really cute

06-26-2017, 09:52 AM
Chances are his "bath" will continue to be taken in his water dish! Clean water, to a lovebird, serves 2 purposes. It is water for a bath and then for drinking, and it's in that order! You might have better luck buying him a larger water dish! :D

Lovebirds are naturally curious so he wants to check you out! This is a good thing, as he's noticing you. If you eat food, he may come over to see what you have. In the mindset of a lovebird, what's his is his and what's yours is also his!

06-26-2017, 05:14 PM
Chances are his "bath" will continue to be taken in his water dish! Clean water, to a lovebird, serves 2 purposes. It is water for a bath and then for drinking, and it's in that order! You might have better luck buying him a larger water dish! :D

Lovebirds are naturally curious so he wants to check you out! This is a good thing, as he's noticing you. If you eat food, he may come over to see what you have. In the mindset of a lovebird, what's his is his and what's yours is also his!

You forgot the 3rd use for clean water. Dunking food! DJ has discovered that raisins turn back into grapes if allowed to soak in the water for awhile. :rofl: