View Full Version : The Dark Side won again

11-10-2005, 12:21 PM
Last weekend was another bird fair. Yep, I told myself "no more birds" and that lasted all but about 40 minutes. A woman who was selling out everything from her pet business asked me if I could identify the mutations on three lovebirds she had. I told her I was by no means an expert, but I'd try. So I walk over to her booth and in a little cage are three lovebirds. An OF Green, OF Heavy Pied and a Creamino. All were good size birds, though the cage was too small for the three to be in. I told her what they appeared to be and she said "Do you want to buy them?". Did she have any idea who she was talking to? :lol The biggest sucker in the universe. I said "I wasn't planning to purchase any birds at the show this time" That's right, I was strong! :lol Then she says, "I'm just trying to liquidate everything because I have a 4 hour drive home and I don't want to put the birds through another trip. I'll sell you them for $10 a bird." :omg: After picking up my jaw off the floor, my hand went into my pocket and got her the money. I know.....I know...I'm weak. So I now have a lovely pair of OF and another young creamino hen. So add three more to the total.
Until, Tuesday night. I've been planning this for sometime, but I finally went and picked up two more breeder pairs of lovies. I know, weak, weak weak.
But I couldn't resist as a breeder friend of mine is thinning out her flock because her mother is ill and she needs to spend more time with her, soooooooo I came home with a proven pair Olive/OF/Am Cinn/Blue/Opal? Male and a OF American Cinnamon/Blue hen (which have been on breeder rest for 6 months and are already looking for a box now. AND, I also came home with a young pair, Med. Green/Opaline/Blue/ino? male and a Seagreen SF Violet Opaline hen. She was too pretty to pass up. Yes Lori and Janie....I will post pics very soon. :lol
And I thought I was out of room for birds at home. :roll: I'm going to have them up to the rafters soon.......... :rofl:

11-10-2005, 12:32 PM
Ah, MJ
What can I say???! :lol The strongest way to resist the dark side is to run out of room. I've effectively done that so don't go where I'm tempted......... (Sounds good, doesn't it???? )

Looking forward to photos!

11-10-2005, 01:03 PM
Congrat on your new additions! Seems like there are babies waiting around the nest box! :happy:
Now, you know why I'm not allowed to go shopping by myself. And Danny is not allowed to go shopping by himself. We HAVE to talk each other OUT of buying birds ( and other things!) otherwise that empty bedroom we have would not be so empty after all!

11-10-2005, 01:31 PM
Seems like there are babies waiting around the nest box!

Odd that you mention babies and nestboxes Elle. We also currently have 5 hens in nestboxes, 9 chicks hatched, and 10 eggs still due to hatch! :lol
It's madness.....

11-10-2005, 01:42 PM
Wow - I am jealous, particularly about the Olive/OF/Am Cinn/Blue/Opal? Male; so many possibilities with a bird like that! I guess it is a good thing that the bird fairs never seem to hit Utah, or I'd have 5 times the number of lovies that I have now... :omg:

<Don_Henley> Don't look back; you can never look back... </Don_Henley> :rofl:


11-10-2005, 02:04 PM
$10.00 a piece!! :eek: I would have done the same thing MJ. I'm proud of you for giving those poor itty bitty birdies a good home ;) Yep, I can't wait to see pictures either. (tap, tap, tap my foot) :D

11-10-2005, 02:20 PM

All I can say is, "It's a good thing you and Laura don't live closer to each other" :lol Seriously, I would have more if I had more time. My problem is, all my pets are pets. I feel I must spend time with them all everyday, even though Bela does have Lacey. Lacey has even gotten spoiled to her time with humans, and runs to the door sometimes faster than Bela does :lol

Now, all that said, no one has ever offered me an OF anything for only $10.00. If they did, I know I would have gotten my money out faster than you did :rofl:

Yep, can't wait for those pics, especially the pied OF. I bet that one is absolutely gorgeous!!!!

11-10-2005, 04:10 PM
MJ!!!!! Get out of town! :omg:, my jaw dropped when I read this one! I thought long and hard for a year before I added two more for a total of THREE! And I thought that my three were keeping me busy! :D I don't know how you guys with so many lovies do it! I AM envious....very! Of you're having that many AND of your energy to keep up with all of them! :lol Yep, I do want pictures! :D

11-10-2005, 04:48 PM
10 dollars a piece i would of been more worried if you did not get them. I was lucky at the bird fair as there were birds I liked but they all had to be hand fed. I might not be so lucky next time.lol. Hmm I might need to take a few road trips this summer..lol.


Joanie Noel
11-10-2005, 05:21 PM
Wow, congrats on the (seven?) new lovies! It was one busy weekend for you, LOL. I'm in awe too. I hate to think of what would've happened if those five lovies at a pet store by me had been dropped in price from $20 to $10. :eek: I somehow was able to control myself even though I could've bought all five for almost the price of my Aruba, haha... My boyfriend wasn't any help at all. He kept pointing out that exact fact over and over for days: "You can buy all five for $100!" Yeah, and have no sanity left over. :rofl: I'm still holding out for a pied and a violet, someday... someday...

Oh yeah, got carried away, LOL. Congrats again. :D Can't wait to see pictures.

- Joanie

11-10-2005, 09:05 PM
Well....you're on the right track MJ.....just go vertical....what else can a person do?.....Lucky and a Big Heart....what more can anybirdie ask for.
I'm glad they found you and you them. That is so cool. Can't wait to see the pictures.