View Full Version : Lovebird is biting his 'feet'

08-28-2017, 10:38 AM
Fellow Wing Flappers,
My lovebird has been biting his feet (or whatever "feet" are called in bird lingo) on a fairly regular basis for the last two weeks or so. I don't see any sore spots on his feet, and I'm certain he's not biting his nails -- definitely his feet. He's far more apt to do this when he's relaxed and just hanging out.

Is this normal?
Could this be a sign of an underlying medical problem?
Maybe a new diagnosis: Lovebird OCD?

I'm not worried, but I'd be remiss in not tossing this out to the experts in Planet Lovebird.

Thank you,
Yoda's Daddy

08-28-2017, 11:38 AM
If this is a new behavior, it's something to pay attention to. Mine will groom their feet but it's not something they spend a lot of time doing. Giardia can cause this behavior and you might want to have your vet test for it. Or it could be that his feet are sensitive to something they are coming in contact with. Amazons have very sensitive feet and will react by over grooming their feet if they are on the hand of a person who smokes.

Try putting a bit of either olive oil or coconut oil on his feet and see if it helps.

08-30-2017, 02:56 PM
Thank you!
I'll try the olive oil, and if that doesn't do the trick, I'll call the local vet.

08-30-2017, 03:10 PM
Please let me know how he's doing. Parrots can get dry skin just like humans!