View Full Version : Funniest Lovebird Moments!

Banana & Rose
11-11-2017, 05:43 AM
Let's tell funny lovebird moments! I will start!! So one time... I still don't have a funny moment... Why don't you tell yours?

11-11-2017, 06:49 AM
I have a male Abyssinian Lovebird named Echo and he LOVES any kind of nut. All I have to do is walk up to his cage and show him a piece. He moonwalks on his perch until I offer it so he can grab it, put it in his foot and eat it. When he's done, he repeats his act!:rofl:

11-11-2017, 03:49 PM
DJ is my little goofball. He likes to stand on the perch in front of his happy hut with his back to the entrance. Then he leans back and will lie on his back in the hut with his beak tucked into his chest with his feet still on the perch. When he's done he just stands back up! :rofl:

Otis likes to put his head down in his coconut shell and sing to himself. Opie just looks at him like he's nuts.

11-23-2017, 11:49 AM
Yoda likes to land on a ledge atop the microwave, which is located above the stove. One day I was cooking an omelette when I saw him turn around and back up. I knew what was coming and dove for the omelette. Too late; he pooped in my omelette.

To answer the obvious question: No, it was NOT funny at the time, but it is now.:rotfl