View Full Version : Air Fresheners

11-13-2017, 09:22 AM
Good Morning...
I am posting this here because i'm not sure where else to post it. We live in an apt. and live on the third floor. With this building there are 12 apts in the building, 4 on each floor. The lady across from us has a roommate plus company frequently during the week. They all smoke over there! The other 2 apts. at the other end of this floor don't smoke at all. There is a war going on over the smoke smell in the hallway. One of the non-smoking neighbors put an air freshener in the hall wall outlet almost weekly. These dang things are soooo strong! My sinuses are going nuts and i'm KNOW it's not good for my 2 birds. At the moment i'm rolling up a rug or big bath towel and putting it at the bottom of the door to keep as much of the smell out as possible. There is a little smell that gets in because this is an older building and the doors aren't all that air tight. My husband is almost ready to just go pull it out of the wall saying i shouldn't have to be sick because of their war. I am more concerned with the birds. I'm not sure how i should handle this. I know this battle has been brought to the attention of the management company so i don't know that talking to them will benefit me much at this point.

What would you do? thank you in advance :)

11-13-2017, 09:34 AM
How well I understand your position! Air fresheners make me ill, especially strongly scented ones. My solution would be an air purifier. Honeywell (one of the 2 I have) makes a nice round one that is good at cleaning up the air. Germ Guardian makes another one that is good but not as powerful as the Honeywell. Keep in mind that whatever you get will have to be able to purify the size of the room where you place it to be effective. It may take more than one.

From my point of view, many smokers don't seem to have any consideration for others and they threaten our health in addition to their own. Your idea of the barrier in front of the door is a good one but odors get in other ways, unfortunately.

11-13-2017, 09:52 AM
thanks linda :) I agree with odor getting in in other places. We have a balcony on each side of our apt so i can crack the doors to help with air flow if it isn't to cold out (MN)... in the 20s last week, might get near 45 this week (woohoo lol). I will look into the air purifier suggestion, i've been thinking about getting one for my allergies so this is probably a good time to get on that :)

11-13-2017, 10:37 AM
The Honeywell unit that I have cost me $155.00 when I bought it on Amazon about 4 yrs ago. It's a big round unit and air flows from all around the unit. The only filter that needs to be changed is the carbon pre-filter and those are not expensive. Because I have a number of birds, I use a filter for my central air that filters out parrot dander. Clean air is very important because there are a lot of toxins floating around!

05-17-2018, 01:03 PM
just thought I'd update this thread..... the ppl that were using the air fresheners in the hallway were evicted. apperently we aren't the only tenants that were having issues with them. Once the police were called with them and tenants under them fighting I guess that got both parties evicted so the problem is solved. There still isn't any one in that apt but it's being showed and we may have new tenants soon. I just hope the new ppl are like the ones that just left :)

05-17-2018, 04:43 PM
Thanks for the update! Air freshener problem solved.........for now, at least. :)