View Full Version : Uhhh, that's not supposed to happen....

11-23-2017, 07:38 AM
One of the O's is not a boy!!!!

When I went to give the O's their breakfast this morning, opie came out of the cage with the food dish again and what did I see? An egg in the seeds! :omg:

7 and a half years old and now you lay an egg?

11-23-2017, 10:43 AM

11-24-2017, 03:49 PM
No new eggs yet but Opie still has a big butt and huge poops. There's another one on the way. I hope she doesn't use the food dish again. She's been hanging out in the coconut so hopefully that's where the egg will be.

11-25-2017, 12:08 PM
Well, I guess that tells you have a hen so 1 gender is known. Now Otis is the only one with gender unsure!!!

11-25-2017, 03:49 PM
Well, I guess that tells you have a hen so 1 gender is known. Now Otis is the only one with gender unsure!!!

Well right now Otis looks to be about half the size of Opie so I'm sticking with him being him!

I bought them a coconut shell with a hole in it for a nest. They're both checking it out now so hopefully she'll not use the food dish again.

With what DJ is doing to his happy hut I don't have much doubt there.:omg:

11-26-2017, 07:20 AM
Well Opie seems to be adopting her coconut. She spent the night on the perch with Otis but as soon as I came down and turned on the lights she went to the coconut, went inside and scratched around and then perched in front of it like a security guard. She didn't even hop on the food dish when I took it out to fill it and payed no attention to me when I put it back in.

Now for her to put her eggs in there.

11-26-2017, 01:26 PM
I'm betting that's where her next,egg will be. The coconut is hers!

11-27-2017, 08:47 AM
Well she decided to keep me guessing. Egg number three wasn't here yet by the time I left for work. However, she didn't bother me while I took out the food dish to fill it (she was over by the coconut to make sure I didn't mess with it). She did spend the night on the perch with Otis like usual but went to the coconut when I was uncovering dj. She went in for a bit then sat in front of it.

11-27-2017, 02:42 PM
She may not have laid the 3rd egg yet and I would keep a close eye on her. I do this routinely with all my hens in laying condition. I've not had many egg bound hens (particularly if they are on a good diet with adequate calcium) but the binding doesn't always happen with the first egg. It can be any egg. Since she's active, all I would do is watch.

11-27-2017, 02:51 PM
She may not have laid the 3rd egg yet and I would keep a close eye on her. I do this routinely with all my hens in laying condition. I've not had many egg bound hens (particularly if they are on a good diet with adequate calcium) but the binding doesn't always happen with the first egg. It can be any egg. Since she's active, all I would do is watch.

It was also still early in the morning. It was 5:30am and still dark. There was also a small poop under where she was sleeping. I found the first egg at 7:30am and it was still very warm so it was fresh. The second egg had a little streak of fresh blood on it at 8am so 5:30 was a bit early.

I expect there will be an egg in there somewhere when I get home. Hopefully in the coconut. although she didn't look as huge yesterday and not at all fluffy unlike thursday and friday when she was huge and fluffed so those are all good signs that she's feeling more like her old self . She even took a bath yesterday and was wetter than I've ever seen. She looked like she was in a hurricane.

11-27-2017, 03:28 PM
If her butt isn't swollen, the clutch may be only 2 eggs. Opie is an older hen and older hens can be unpredictable. If nothing else, you've given them another coconut shell!

11-27-2017, 04:31 PM
well somebody didn't like the ladder attached to the coconut. It was chewed off from inside and was on the floor.

No egg but all poops look normal and opie seems fine. She's hiding her butt by sitting in the old coconut but was very active when I got home and not at all fluffy. Maybe there were only two. She is almost 8 now.

Well I didn't get a good look but she's moving around and her butt doesn't look so big anymore.

11-28-2017, 08:23 AM
Opie seemed perfectly normal this morning. The poops under where she was sleeping were normal sized. I haven't seen a huge poop since saturday.

Maybe she decided to stop at two eggs.

She did ride out of the cage with the food dish but I was able to bring her right up to my face without losing my nose or fingers. She seemed happy and as easy going as I've ever seen.

11-28-2017, 11:18 AM
Sounds like 2 eggs may be it.....for now. It also sounds like all the interaction she had with you while she was "with egg" may have strengthened her trust of you. Go with the flow. That's about all you can do! :)

11-28-2017, 11:37 AM
Sounds like 2 eggs may be it.....for now. It also sounds like all the interaction she had with you while she was "with egg" may have strengthened her trust of you. Go with the flow. That's about all you can do! :)

DJ didn't like all the attention she was getting. He yelled at me all weekend and went through every obnoxious sound he knows.

the new coconut looks like it's been through quite a battle. The ladder is gone and somebody has been removing all the hairy stuff on the outside. They're having fun.

11-28-2017, 05:20 PM
Well Opie seems to be back to her normal non-egglaying self. All poops are back to normal size. I guess for now she stopped with two.

11-28-2017, 09:03 PM
I'd be so stressed out if Max was a female. 😩

11-29-2017, 05:29 PM
I'd be so stressed out if Max was a female. 😩

Well I was quite shocked to find that egg on Thursday!

01-15-2018, 02:50 PM
Opie decided to try again. I found another egg in the food dish this morning.:omg:

I put the coconut nest back in and put the egg in there but she's decided to just lounge on the perch so far. She likely laid it around 1:30 am when I heard her climb into the coconut swing then the food dish, chirp a bit toss some food then go quiet.

01-15-2018, 03:21 PM
:):):) Lovie hens can be very determined when they want to be!!! Did you have any idea that there was an egg on the way?

01-15-2018, 03:38 PM
:):):) Lovie hens can be very determined when they want to be!!! Did you have any idea that there was an egg on the way?

Not really. I thought at one point yesterday that her butt looked a little bigger when she bent down to eat but otherwise no. Poops were normal and she did her usual hovering after dinner.

01-15-2018, 05:01 PM
She hides it very well!

01-17-2018, 04:21 PM
Well she seems to have stopped at one. Number two should have come today and she doesn't seem to have torpedo butt. At least as seen from across the room while eating nutriberries.

Both have decided to go crazy on nutriberries. They've cut back on millet to eat more of them! :omg:

01-18-2018, 07:26 AM
Millet is good but Nutriberries are better.......and more expensive! They have good taste in food! :whistle::whistle::whistle:

01-18-2018, 07:33 AM
Millet is good but Nutriberries are better.......and more expensive! They have good taste in food! :whistle::whistle::whistle:

Otis can toss them good too. He can throw them all the way across the cage! And the another, and another...

Opie has been starting the night with otis on the perch rather than in the food dish (after Otis does his nighly rounds climbing upside down from the roof or the cage). She didn't try to stop me from changing food and water dishes last night or this morning either so I guess she's done with eggs after one.

Fine with me.