View Full Version : Adopting a GCC

12-21-2017, 09:02 PM
HI everyone,

I need some expert advice before I make any decisions.

I've had Max for four years now and he's spoiled rotten, gets all the attention from the family and is the boss of the house. What Mas wants, Max gets. We love him to death.

I have an opportunity to adopt a male GCC. He has a clean bill of health and is 3 years old. He lives with a lady that rescues birds and just recently stayed in a foster home for as few weeks. It didn't work out with her because her husband thought he was too loud. (They used to have a Quaker for over 20 years).

I'm wondering, how do you think Max would react to a new kid in town? Do lovebirds and GC get along? Could this be a potential disaster waiting to happen? Will they fight to a point of hurting each other?

Any advice would be helpful.

Here's a video clip of Mango the GCC https://www.instagram.com/p/Bc7i1wYDZik/?taken-by=mizhubner

Here's my Instagram page with video clips of Max to give you a better idea of what Max is all about.. https://www.instagram.com/jenlovesmax/


12-22-2017, 08:07 AM
This is very hard to predict! Each bird is different and some of my own flock just don't get along with others.

Ayanna is my female GCC and she's under a yr old. She just loves everyone, including us humans. Not everyone feels that way about her so she has learned to avoid confrontation.

Max may love another feathered body in HIS domain or he may resent the intrustion. The only way you would know is by trying. GCCs make great pets and males are normally more laid back than females. If the former person who had this GCC complains about noise level, I find that hard to believe because Quakers can put out some decibels! Macaws they are not but they aren't quiet, either!!!

Would it be possible to give this a test run and see what happens? That's what I do when I adopt a rescue dog. The dog either leaves my parrots alone or back it goes!!!!!

12-24-2017, 01:31 PM
This is very hard to predict! Each bird is different and some of my own flock just don't get along with others.

Ayanna is my female GCC and she's under a yr old. She just loves everyone, including us humans. Not everyone feels that way about her so she has learned to avoid confrontation.

Max may love another feathered body in HIS domain or he may resent the intrustion. The only way you would know is by trying. GCCs make great pets and males are normally more laid back than females. If the former person who had this GCC complains about noise level, I find that hard to believe because Quakers can put out some decibels! Macaws they are not but they aren't quiet, either!!!

Would it be possible to give this a test run and see what happens? That's what I do when I adopt a rescue dog. The dog either leaves my parrots alone or back it goes!!!!!

Hi Linda,

Thanks for your response. Sorry for not responding sooner...my internet was down for over a day!

I would love a trial run but the poor bird was put into a rescue home then had a trial for three weeks with the Quaker bird lady that thought he was too loud. Now, he's back at the rescue home. I wouldn't do that to him. If I take him, I would keep him. It's not fair to rehome him on a trial basis. If Max doesn't like him, then it'll be upsetting but more work for me. I'd have to accept it as two siblings that don't get along...lol.

What I might do is contact the rescue lady and go see him. I'll get a feel of his personality and take it from there.

I'll let you know what I decide.

Merry Christmas!!

12-24-2017, 03:10 PM
Could this conure come for a short visit to see what Max thinks? It's hard to predict without actually letting them meet each other. Even that's no guarantee! Sounds like this baby really needs a good home and I know you could provide that!

Merry Christmas to you, too!