View Full Version : jealous & isolated

01-03-2018, 06:41 PM
the title actually sounds far more dramatic than it actually is. so, let's start with this. hi guys! i'm nikki and i've finally adopted two gorgeous lovebirds; shiva and kali. shiva is a gorgeous peachface and kali is a beautiful dutch blue. i actually got these little birdies a month ago, the last of their flock apparently and overlooked by other's that wanted more vibrant colors or "different" personalities. they were both born on september 17th, 2017 and i'm having a wonderful time watching them grow.

in the first two weeks, both birds bonded very closely with me and soon, i was able to take them out and let them fly around. both of them would sit on my shoulder and watch me clean their bowls, fill it up with food, and even let me do my makeup (everything was closed so they couldn't get into it!) but by the end of december, i realized that the more shiva wanted to come out and play with me, the more kali wanted to come out and stay away. she would fly onto a perch, preferably a chair and chirp or sing so shiva would follow. i did go ahead and start giving some extra attention to kali after my grandmother suggested that she could just be jealous her partner bonded so closely with me. i went back to talking to her by the cage and having my dad handle shiva in the living room while i played with kali and hand-fed her in my room. now she's associated a few good things with me, but god forbid i put the two of them together, then it's back to kali being jealous and giving me the side-eye (no pun intended)

i know it's a slow progress so far, but being new to the lovebird game, i'm just wondering if anyone's got anything up their sleeve i can try? it'd be well appreciated!

01-04-2018, 07:53 AM
Lovebirds in pairs can be unpredictable. Kali sounds like the more adventuresome one and wants Shiva to join in those adventures. Hey! There's a whole big world out there and it absolutely must be explored! Lovebirds are naturally curious, some more than others.

My best suggestion is to accept them for who they are and what they want. Perhaps keep favorite treats with you so that they know they can come to you to get what they like. Bribery? Sort of! :rofl:

01-05-2018, 09:17 PM
Lovebirds in pairs can be unpredictable. Kali sounds like the more adventuresome one and wants Shiva to join in those adventures. Hey! There's a whole big world out there and it absolutely must be explored! Lovebirds are naturally curious, some more than others.

My best suggestion is to accept them for who they are and what they want. Perhaps keep favorite treats with you so that they know they can come to you to get what they like. Bribery? Sort of! :rofl:


well that's something! you're right when saying kali's the more adventurous type. goodness, she can't keep still and takes curious to a whole new level. when she's not comfortable in the presence of other people or maybe the place we're staying at, she'll spend some time on my shoulder, but now that she's taken to our cabin she's having fun playing all on her own or getting shiva to run along with her.

the bribery part sounds like a good deal. i'm gonna have to go in and do that lol