View Full Version : Max is quiet and I’m starting to worry.

02-04-2018, 02:41 PM
Hi all,

Max had an ear infection just recently. He was on an ear drop antibiotic for about 12days. His ear has cleared up fine now. No waxy discharge.

One thing I noticed after coming back from the vet last week is that his personality has changed. He’s not as playful as he was, he’s more fearful of things and he’s more quiet. Sleeps more during the day. I’m beginning to worry that somethings going on inside. He’s eating normally, he’s drinking and his poops are normal. He went through a pretty traumatic ear endoscopy at the vet and was manhandled which he’s never been before. Could they have done any damage to him?

I asked the vet about probiotics since he was taking the drops but the vet said they weren’t necessary since it was an ear drop. Could it be a fungal infection? If so, how would I know? What are the main symptoms I should be looking for? Would testing his poop show anything?


02-05-2018, 10:45 AM
I talked to my avian vet on Friday and asked about Cipro eye drops for ear infections. There are no approved meds for parrots so vets make do with what they have and their experience with what works. It's very common for Cipro eye drops to be used for ear infections in parrots. Anything for the eye can be used for other things but not everything else can be used for eye problems.

I have a feeling that Max may be traumatized from the endoscopy and how he was handled. The toweling didn't seem to be overly tight but I think just the whole procedure was traumatic. Would the vet have let you go with Max? I always ask, when possible. Most of the time, it's OK, except surgery and then I ask to be there when my bird wakes up.

If he's eating and pooping normally, try extra TLC and see if that has any affect.

02-05-2018, 01:58 PM
Thanks so much Linda for asking your vet about the Cipro drops! It gives me peace of mind knowing that.

The vet was so rushy with the whole visit. He literally walked out the door with his technician and Max in hand that I didn’t get a chance to ask anything! He just said, we’ll be right back. It was a long ten minutes I waited before they got back from the procedure and I blame myself for not asking to go. Just the way Max was after the scoping scared me to death. It took him a while to recover from the panting.

I think you’re right about Max being traumatized at the vet. He seems a lot better today but gets scared at the slightest thing. He never used to be like that. Hopefully in time he’ll forget about it.

I really didn’t like my experience at that vet and won’t be going back but regardless of where I go in the future, I’m going to be more vocal about how I want Max to be handled and will demand that I’m with him for any procedure done.

Thanks again Linda. As always, you’re the best ❤️

02-05-2018, 02:30 PM
Both of my avian vets are very sensitive to the feelings of their feathered patients. That's why I use their practices. Being in a strange place with strange people doing a procedure that's never been done before and no one familiar around for reassurance is traumatic. Most surgical procedures are off limits to owners but recovery is where I meet up with my birds. My vet usually calls me just as the procedure is starting and I find my way to the office just as the procedure is ending. Isoflurane (anesthetic) doesn't take long to wear off and I'm there when my bird wakes up.

If you ever take Max back to see this doctor, you can be sure he will remember!

02-05-2018, 02:42 PM
Unfortunately, this vet wasn’t sensitive to his patients or to his patients parents!

Max will never be seeing him again.

Linda, you’ve been such a great help over the years and so much so these past few weeks. I wanted to send you a little something as a token of my appreciation. Do you have a P.O box that you can email me?

02-05-2018, 03:26 PM
I'm glad I've been able to help! That's why this community is here!

What I would really like is a donation made to one of your local parrot rescues or animal sanctuaries on behalf of Lovebirds Plus Community, Tampa, FL. :)

02-05-2018, 03:30 PM
How about both? 😁

02-05-2018, 03:35 PM
Here’s Max the day before...


02-05-2018, 03:50 PM
How about both? 😁
Fine with me! :) :)

Max is sssooooo adorable!

02-05-2018, 04:01 PM
Thank you! He’s my angel 😇❤️

Ok, private message me your address. ❤️

02-05-2018, 05:02 PM
Both of my avian vets are very sensitive to the feelings of their feathered patients. That's why I use their practices. Being in a strange place with strange people doing a procedure that's never been done before and no one familiar around for reassurance is traumatic. Most surgical procedures are off limits to owners but recovery is where I meet up with my birds. My vet usually calls me just as the procedure is starting and I find my way to the office just as the procedure is ending. Isoflurane (anesthetic) doesn't take long to wear off and I'm there when my bird wakes up.

If you ever take Max back to see this doctor, you can be sure he will remember!

The vet I took Ditto to was great with him. We both went into the room and he would talk to Ditto and explain to him what he was doing. EVen though ditto obviously didn't understand he liked the soothing voice.

The only time I couldn't be with him was the x-rays. They had him all day for those to make sure he woke up ate and acted normal. In typical Ditto fashion he woke up immediately after the anesthesia was removed and ate like a pig!

02-05-2018, 05:42 PM
I can't tell you how lucky you are to have a good avian vet. Here in Toronto, the parrot community is all in the same boat. There are no good avian vets. They all charge an arm and a leg and they just don't care about the patient. It's pretty sad.