View Full Version : lovebird escaped- taming the other one.

02-22-2018, 11:28 PM
i have two lovebirds, jupiter and juno. juno managed to escape and fly away around just a few hours ago and my heart is absolutely broken.

however, i don't want anything to happen to jupiter now that he's all alone since i've heard stories of lovebirds starving themselves when their friends fly away.
he's around 6-7 months old now. will i still be able to tame him just so he can spend time with me and not be alone at all?

thank you.

02-23-2018, 09:59 AM
I'm so sorry that happened! Do you have a small travel cage? Or an extra one? Lovies can fly far when frightened, but if you can have Jupiter outside in a cage to call, there is a small chance that Juno will hear and try to come back. Having a second cage with familiar toys and food and water for her to enter....

I almost lost 2 lovies when I was a kid to escapes. One flew across the street to the top of telephone wires and luckily enough after about an hour of singing and looking down at us, flew back down and let us carry him home. A second darted out the door but made a wide loop when I ran out screaming after him. He landed under the apartment stairs and let me scoop him up and carry him home. I think we kept our lovies flights clipped after that. I didn't have a flighted lovie after that until I was in my twenties.

Best thing to do with Jupiter is to spend lots of time with him. Talking, being in the same room... how tame is he now? Does he step up or ride on your shoulders? Will he accept scritches?

02-23-2018, 10:21 AM
I am so sorry to hear that Jupiter escaped. The suggestion to use a carrier so that Juno can call might work, as long as Jupiter is still in the area. Make sure the carrier or whatever you use is escape proof! I use either zip ties or twist ties to secure all doors that might open on the bird is inside. Also make sure he is safe from any potential predators and not in direct sunlight.

As for taming Juno, it will take patience but it can certainly be done. How tame will remain to be seen. Now that he is alone, sit by his cage, talk to him, eat meals near him. Be his companion and then let him come to you. Parrots learn trust by experience so it just takes time so he realizes that you will not make him your next meal!