View Full Version : TOUGH question: giving away our lovebird

03-05-2018, 10:39 AM
Hi, all.

It pains me to ask this question: My elderly mother and I own a lovebird that continually bites her, and since she's 89 she bleeds whenever this happens -- which is often. Repeated attempts over the course of 15 months to get Yoda to stop biting have failed. My mom can no longer take Yoda out of her cage and I simply don't have the time during the day to give Yoda the kind of loving attention that she -- and all pets -- require. When we got the lovebird, our understanding was that my mother would be the attentive owner, but the bloodletting (in addition to the feather-picking) has been too much.

As things have worked out, Yoda has bonded with me. I guess I'm her 'mate' (??) If I were to find a good family to take the bird, or if I were to find a good bird rescue, would giving Yoda to someone else be too traumatic for her? She's 2 years old. While my lonely mother needs a loving pet to bond with, I don't want to give away Yoda if she'll wind up being traumatized and lonely as well. Can a 2-year-old lovie bounce back' in the right environment?

Any info would be most appreciated.
Thank you.

03-05-2018, 03:46 PM
Sometimes deciding what's best for a pet can be difficult. You truly have to consider what is in the pet's best interest. My question is can you give Yoda the attention she needs? Since she's an only bird, yes, you are the "mate." If things are working the way they are, keeping her is the best option.

However, in finding another family, you would need one that will give Yoda a permanent loving home and if that were not to work out, she would come back to you. Qualified bird rescues can be challenging to find. You would have to do your research to see what's available in your area. This is a difficult decision. Just make sure it's in Yoda's best interests.

03-05-2018, 05:18 PM
When Yoda fell asleep in the inside crook of my elbow this afternoon, the mere thought of giving her away just KILLED me.

The thing is, she came to our home with the understanding that my mom would be the primary caretaker. I'm a freelance writer and am usually buried in work. My mom is leaning heavily toward keeping her, despite the details provided earlier. (If I could do it over again, I would've left those two alone and let Yoda bond with my mom.)

Anyway, your suggestion to give anyone who receives the bird the option to return her is a very good one. And of course it'll always be what's best for the bird.


03-06-2018, 10:10 AM
As you are discovering, things don't always go as planned, especially with parrots. Yoda may have been intended for your mom, but she has her own ideas about who her person will be. Just from what you've written here, I think (my personal opinion) Yoda belongs with you and you will find that she's content just to be with you. The choice, however, it yours.

03-06-2018, 11:58 AM
Yes, you're definitely right about Yoda's choice for a "Main Buddy."

If I had a crystal ball, I would've avoided Yoda for at least the first few weeks to give her the opportunity to bond with my mom. Live and learn, as they say.

Thanks. We're leaning heavily toward keeping her. She deserves a great life.

03-06-2018, 12:57 PM
We're leaning heavily toward keeping her. She deserves a great life.
I think you can give her what she deserves, too! Even if you had left her alone with your mom, the outcome might not have been any different. There's something about you that just allows her to be comfortable with you. :)

03-11-2018, 06:41 PM
My last lovie, Sunny adored me for the first 2 years we had him. Then, my husband quit his job and was home every day for several months before he started his next job and Sunny transferred his affections. My husband became the favored human, though Sunny still loved all of us. You never can tell who they'll favor!

Of my Nanas, Nanamua prefers me, but Nanahope only cares about Nanamua, though both will step up for anyone.