View Full Version : Update with Gizmo and Lacey

03-20-2018, 03:16 PM
It's been a while since i posted on her last. I've been on to "read the mail" but not posting. Both birds are doing great and have been pretty good all winter :) . Gizmo has decided my hubby is a pretty good guy now. He steps up for him about 95% of the time. My hubby doesn't handle him the way i do and gizmo knows i don't take cr** when i want him to go to his stand when he don't wanna go. He knows hubby won't push it and when he does gizmo does bite him. Lacey is a major glue stick in the last week, i'm not sure if it's the time change or hormones (or both) but she's starting to do her mating spin and put her wings out.

I've also started a passion i've had for many years but had to let go due to my ex and my divorce from my first husband. I used to have a 120 seahorse tank and wasn't allowed to take it. I started a 20 gallon hexagon seahorse tank last fall and it has been keeping me busy lol. I'm trying to raise tank raised babies. Here is a few pics of my tank.....


let me know if they don't show up... i'm new to shutterfly and i'm not sure if i'm doing it right lol


03-21-2018, 08:42 AM
Isn't amazing how lovebirds figure people out!! Gizmo sure has your husband's number!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

I have a Shutterfly account but I could not see your photos. Is the album private or public?

03-21-2018, 11:35 AM
Isn't amazing how lovebirds figure people out!! Gizmo sure has your husband's number!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

I have a Shutterfly account but I could not see your photos. Is the album private or public?

i looked on shutterfly for an option to make the photos public... i have no clue where to find it lol. I am putting links on here from photobucket and i hope those work :)



the first 2 photos are the female with the third being my male.

03-21-2018, 12:04 PM
Oh WOW!!!!!!!!! They are absolutely stunning! Seahorses are such neat sea creatures and I love watching them. My second husband had some in a small tank and they were fascinating.

03-21-2018, 12:16 PM
Oh WOW!!!!!!!!! They are absolutely stunning! Seahorses are such neat sea creatures and I love watching them. My second husband had some in a small tank and they were fascinating.

thankks Linda :) I am expecting my second pair to arrive on Friday, they ship out today from Hawaii and i am so excited! and impatient. lol. Both birds like sitting by the tank watching the bubbles? in the back of the tank. Lacey parks herself on the edge of the stand the tank is on just to watch. I have to really keep an eye on her with the sound of the water from the tank. She tried to take a bath a few months ago. There is a very small opening in the back where the air tubes and cords come out from the heater. I now have it covered but it really surprised me that she would even attempt a bath when she hates baths so much.

this is the little glue stick trying to sleep and she sees me with the phone again lol.

http://s1285.photobucket.com/user/mstomcat1965/media/21430302_10154856708860592_6321000488010305529_n_z psy3t02pw6.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0

03-21-2018, 12:38 PM
That picture is just adorable! Lovebirds have personalities that are a match to none!

I'd love to hear more about your seahorses!!

03-21-2018, 12:58 PM
That picture is just adorable! Lovebirds have personalities that are a match to none!

I'd love to hear more about your seahorses!!

I'm not sure what to tell you lol. I had males in the past giving birth almost monthly and i was finally going in the right direction to raise that babies to adults. It was both frustrating and rewarding. I lot of trial and error. The pair i have now haven't really shown to much courting.... i'll rephrase that, He flirts with her all the time but she just the does "meh" look lol. i think she's waiting for someone better to come along. I'm hoping with the male coming Friday there will be more of an interest on her part. She is very shy and my male i have now is very "pushy:, i think the word is i'm looking for? He almost (what i call) "harasses" her when they are at the feeding dish. Spring is here so we'll she if she has a change of heart with him or will show more interest in the new male :)

03-21-2018, 01:36 PM
Could be that they are not compatible or she's just not in the mood for him. Sometimes you get parrots that are like that. Good birds but just not for each other! Hopefully she will take a shine to your new male.

03-24-2018, 09:55 AM
Could be that they are not compatible or she's just not in the mood for him. Sometimes you get parrots that are like that. Good birds but just not for each other! Hopefully she will take a shine to your new male.

they were courting/dancing back in december but no egg transfer. things quieted down in january and what i've read it's pretty normal for them to be mellow until spring/summer. My new pair arrived yesterday morning and about 8 hours later the new male was courting with the gal that came with him lol. They are sooooo small compared to the first pair that i didn't think they could mate that young but he has a pouch and he was making sure she knew he had one LOL.

this is a few hours after they arrived, to day the male is brighter i think try for a orange or dull yellow color. The female is a lighter brown and i'm not sure if she will stay her color or not. I saw both eating at the shell where the bigger horses eat so they are acclimating really good... quicker then i expected :)


03-25-2018, 08:28 AM
Sounds like the trip wasn't as stressful as you might have expected! The shipper did a good job! Maybe love will rub off on your other female...

Seahorses are amazing and fun to watch!