View Full Version : Ok what are teh O's doing now....

06-27-2018, 04:59 PM
they tried to give me a heart attack today. I came home from work expecting everybirdy to be having their usual afternoon nap on perches (DJ in the happy hut). But what do I see. A pile of birdies on the floor in the corner of the cage. The O's were snuggled up there. When I came in the room they sprung to life and flew back up top and everybody had a good screech before having a snack. All seemed back to normal until I sat here at my desk across the room from them. Opie had been sitting with Otis preening each other when she looked down at the corner and climbed back down there and looke up at Otis like "are you coming?" He went down there and they preened and napped until I stood up from the desk. Then it's screech and go back up top.

I wonder if Opie is getting nesty and has decided to not nest in the food dish this time..... I put the coconut nest back in the cage to see what she does with that. Now thay're back up on the perch preening each other again. She seems fine just wanted to be down in that corner. I guess I'll have to keep an eye on her for a bit. getting her to the vet could be fun. She likes to draw blood. At least getting her out will be easy. Put my hand near her and she'll clamp right on. :omg:

06-27-2018, 05:49 PM
Oh boy! I would have had a heart attack!

06-28-2018, 06:51 AM
I'm thinking we're on egg watch. She went down to that corner a couple more times last night and looked around but always went back up when I came toward the cage. She was only pooping liquid for a bit after I got home but later there were real poops so no egg binding. She spent a good bit of the evening just relaxing with otis next to her. At 8pm she perked up and her an otis hopped around the cage eating and generally being nuts. after that there was no attempt to go to the bottom and at 9 when I turned off the lights they both went to the perch and went to sleep. They stayed there all night and when I came down and uncovered DJ they woke up and Opie went to eat breakfast while I got DJ's breakfast.

When I got to their cage she stayed on the food dish until I got it to the door then she hopped off to the nutriberries. After finishing feeding them I checked for poops and she did a larger than normal dark green one. that's what she did when she laid eggs the last time so I guess we're going to do that again. Better than being sick!

06-28-2018, 08:35 AM
I wonder if Opie is getting nesty
Sounds like an accurate assesment to me! And when the Os were here, I thought I had a pair of males because I never saw any eggs!!!

06-28-2018, 08:52 AM
Sounds like an accurate assesment to me! And when the Os were here, I thought I had a pair of males because I never saw any eggs!!!

I hope so. If I have to take her to the vet I'm going to get bloody. She didn't go down there to sleep last night and woke up this morning and ate. So I guess sometime today or tomorrow morning there should be an egg. Maybe I'll get lucky and it won't be in the seed dish again.

I did give them the coconut nest back but nobody bothered it. I think I'll move it over to corner they sleep in.

She didn't do her humming bird imitation last night. the only time she hasn't done that is right before an egg so finger crossed that that is all it is.

06-28-2018, 04:14 PM
well no more going to the floor so far. I came home early today and they were in one of their normal napping spots. On the perch snuggled under a food dish looking at the kitchen door where I would come in.

Opie seems back to normal now so we'll see if there's an egg in the next day or so.

Funny behavior for a pair of males.... :rofl:

06-29-2018, 01:19 PM
Funny behavior for a pair of males....
Sometimes it's very hard to tell genders! Males generally don't display female behavior and when you don't see it, you generally don't question unless you have a pair that you really want to breed!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

06-29-2018, 01:49 PM
Well no egg. But at least she's given up on the floor. They've been hanging out a lot under the food dish.

Otis was not happy last night. Opie stole his sleeping spot and wouldn't let him have it back. He spent half the night climbing around the top and sides trying to sneak up on her and chase her off. didn't work and he wound up settling down next to her where she ususally ends up around 1am.

06-30-2018, 08:53 AM
Still no egg and she's acting like her normal self again. Maybe she was just miserable from moulting. There were a lot of opie feathers all over the place the last few days. :confused: I don't see a big butt on her.

07-02-2018, 11:15 AM
Sometimes hens are hard to read! Just glad she's back to normal........

07-02-2018, 11:35 AM
Sometimes hens are hard to read! Just glad she's back to normal........

Yep. she's acting like her normal self now except I haven't seen her hover since last week. Otis has started doing it instead. Seems that since she taught him to do it she doesn't feel unique anymore. :rofl:

Otis has a bunch of feathers on his neck too....

07-03-2018, 10:03 AM
Otis has a bunch of feathers on his neck too....
Fantastic!! No more bare crop area????

07-03-2018, 10:06 AM
Fantastic!! No more bare crop area????

Not fully feathered but on an empty crop there isnt' much skin visible. When he's full it's a different story. It's amazing how much food they stuff in there.

07-05-2018, 11:34 AM
Yes it is amazing just how much food can go into one crop! When I'm hand feeding baby lovebirds, I have to max out at 8 cc because there's no way I can put at much formula in the crop as momma lovebird can stuff food!!

07-05-2018, 11:42 AM
Well no signs of nesty behavior.

Yesterday she did the hummingbird hover from the coconut swing. Gotta change things up I suppose.

07-06-2018, 12:11 PM
It's really funny to watch the hovering behavior. Some of them can do it so very well. I have larger parrots but my heart belongs to my lovies!

07-06-2018, 12:15 PM
Opie has it perfected although she sounds like a large helicopter with all the noise her wings make. Otis's wings are much quieter but he's getting better at the hover too.

DJ is just a noisy little thing. He screeches and flaps then zooms off.

07-09-2018, 12:09 PM
I guess they've decided they don't like the coconut that I bought for them. I put it in when I thought Opie was getting nesty. I put it where I had the last 2 times she was nesty, in the back next to where their manzanita branch mounts. they ignored it.

I took it out when I cleaned the cage yesterday and Opie went back to her usual workout spot last night and hovered over the branch.

07-10-2018, 10:51 AM
Sounds like business as usual! :lol

I'm looking to sell my house and relocate perhaps not too far from my current residence. I have too many sad memories and I need to create some happy ones. Hopefully, the flock will take it in stride. I'm only in the looking stages.......

07-10-2018, 10:59 AM
Sounds like business as usual! :lol

I'm looking to sell my house and relocate perhaps not too far from my current residence. I have too many sad memories and I need to create some happy ones. Hopefully, the flock will take it in stride. I'm only in the looking stages.......

Yep. they've decided they want nothing to do with that coconut. the old one is still ok though.

She was very happy last night doing her excersizes on the branch.

Moving your flock doesn't sound like fun.

07-10-2018, 02:26 PM
Moving your flock doesn't sound like fun.
I'm not looking forward to it. Last time I moved, I only had 4 Cockatiels. The flock has grown considerably! I plan on doing over a week-end and mostly after dark. It's going to be stressful for everyone. I bought a van just for this kind of thing.

07-10-2018, 02:29 PM
I'm not looking forward to it. Last time I moved, I only had 4 Cockatiels. The flock has grown considerably! I plan on doing over a week-end and mostly after dark. It's going to be stressful for everyone. I bought a van just for this kind of thing.

Well maybe you'll luck out. the three you sent me had no problems. they came right out of their carriers and explored and started enjoying their new homes. DJ went right to the avicakes and tore into them.

07-10-2018, 03:32 PM
Sure hope that will be the case!! My larger parrots don't know any other home, as I've lived there since late 1990. I'm sure it will be OK. It's a big step for me, too!

07-10-2018, 03:35 PM
Sure hope that will be the case!! My larger parrots don't know any other home, as I've lived there since late 1990. I'm sure it will be OK. It's a big step for me, too!

Well yours won't have to spend all day on an airplane. I was shocked at how calm they were when I got them home. DJ acted like he owned the place.