View Full Version : Sorry for My Recent Absence!

08-09-2018, 03:27 PM
I know I've not been here regularly lately. I decided about 6 weeks ago that I wanted to finally relocate to a more rural area here in FL so I started looking for a different house. Found one about 6 miles away in a quiet neighborhood where my nearest neighbor isn't 16' or less away!! I closed on the new house on 8/3 and I'm slowly moving from one place to another. Birds go this week-end and I'm not looking forward to it. This home has a nice, enclosed, climatized Florida room and it will be great for quite a few of my birds. Just off the FL room, there's an added bedroom that I'm going to convert into a bird room for my lovebirds and handful of Tiels. Since I'm no longer breeding, my flock is dwindling down due to old age. I atually have several lovebirds right now who are 20 yrs old!!

08-10-2018, 03:36 PM
I know I've not been here regularly lately. I decided about 6 weeks ago that I wanted to finally relocate to a more rural area here in FL so I started looking for a different house. Found one about 6 miles away in a quiet neighborhood where my nearest neighbor isn't 16' or less away!! I closed on the new house on 8/3 and I'm slowly moving from one place to another. Birds go this week-end and I'm not looking forward to it. This home has a nice, enclosed, climatized Florida room and it will be great for quite a few of my birds. Just off the FL room, there's an added bedroom that I'm going to convert into a bird room for my lovebirds and handful of Tiels. Since I'm no longer breeding, my flock is dwindling down due to old age. I atually have several lovebirds right now who are 20 yrs old!!

I've been meaning to ask how the house hunt was going but I figured you were busy.

Otis has some feathers growing back again. Hopefully he lets them stay.

Of course I'm glad to hear of the 20 year old lovies you have since that's where mine came from! Hopefully they last as long. :happy:

08-10-2018, 06:05 PM
Hope the move is going well for you! Would love to see the set up and bird room once you've got it complete. Scritches for everyone all around!

08-13-2018, 08:27 PM
why is it when i post linda you never answer me?

08-14-2018, 01:07 PM
It's not intentional. I've been in and out of the forums for 2-3 months and you usually add to another post so it gets buried in the thread conversations. You posted this near the top of this thread, so I found it easily.

08-14-2018, 01:17 PM
Hope the move is going well for you! Would love to see the set up and bird room once you've got it complete. Scritches for everyone all around!
I'm going to start moving birds this week. I'm trying very hard to keep all birds in one location in the new house. I have more square footage so there will be no lanai bird room or garage bird room. My flock has decreased due to old age so there are fewer birds to fill up the space. It will be much easier for me to clean, feed and water everyone. I have a new significant other who loves the parrots as much as I do and I will have some help back again. For my lovebirds, I'm using uniform size rectangular long cages so, again, it will all be much better. Things got hard for me after Jim got sick back in 2011. I'm really not sure how I managed to be his caregiver and take care of the flock, too. However, they are my family and I've done whatever I've had to do. Rehoming was never an option, with the exception of DJ and the Os, who went to a wonderful home with Dave!

I'll try to add some pictures as everything takes shape. I've always wanted to live outside city limits and I've finally found the place I've always wanted!!

08-14-2018, 01:25 PM
Otis has some feathers growing back again. Hopefully he lets them stay.

Of course I'm glad to hear of the 20 year old lovies you have since that's where mine came from! Hopefully they last as long.
I've always said that smaller birds can have long lifespans and some of mine have shocked me! I've got an older pair of Lutinos and I know they are up there in age but they are doing just fine. I'm thinking Echo (male pet Abby) is around 14 and I think all the walnuts he eats is helping him age more slowly! He loves walnuts, or any kind of nut for that matter. Ginger is my imported Grey and I got her in 1991. Since she's wild caught, there's no telling her exact age. By coloring, I'm guessing she was about 3 so she could be around 30. They all eat just about anything that doesn't run away or try to eat them back so none of them are thin. In fact Monty, my male DYH is heavy so he's on diet that is nuts, veggies and Nutriberries.

08-14-2018, 01:55 PM
. I have a new significant other who loves the parrots as much as I do and I will have some help back again.

Uh oh, you're going to fill up the new house with parrots if that's the case!

Rehoming was never an option, with the exception of DJ and the Os, who went to a wonderful home with Dave!

They're spoiled rotten. Otis is getting feathers back on his throat too.

08-15-2018, 08:10 AM
Uh oh, you're going to fill up the new house with parrots if that's the case!
As my lovie flock dwindles, I may add a few but I can't go back to breeding, unless I can find a breeding pair of Abbys somewhere! :lol We enjoy what we have and really don't want to add more. That simply gives us more time for the ones who live with us. Ken is even a personal slave to Georgia, my female Military Macaw! For her, the sun rises and sets with Ken. He comes home and the first thing she wants is to be picked up!

08-20-2018, 06:51 AM
Hi Linda,

Good luck with rehoming your flock, as long as you'll be there with them, they will feel safe and loved and they will get used with the new house :)

08-20-2018, 08:43 AM
I took some of my parrots over to their new home yesterday and Dao, my male Military Macaw, took the change the worst. His cage has been in my bedroom since he came to live with me at age 11 weeks. He screamed and was restless until I turned out the lights at sunset. I know this will get better but it's hard for me to watch since I know they are safe but they have to experience that. I'm hoping to have everyone at the new house by this coming Saturday. The lovebirds will be fine but I'm a worried parront because it's stressful for them. :(

08-20-2018, 08:48 AM
Yes, I can understand that perfect, I remember how angry were Beni & Bella when we moved them to the bigger cage.

08-20-2018, 04:51 PM
I took some of my parrots over to their new home yesterday and Dao, my male Military Macaw, took the change the worst. His cage has been in my bedroom since he came to live with me at age 11 weeks. He screamed and was restless until I turned out the lights at sunset. I know this will get better but it's hard for me to watch since I know they are safe but they have to experience that. I'm hoping to have everyone at the new house by this coming Saturday. The lovebirds will be fine but I'm a worried parront because it's stressful for them. :(

I don't even want to know how loud your house is now! :omg:

If your lovies are like the three you sent me, they won't be the problem. Even after spending all day on a plane, I released them into their cages and they acted like they lived there the whole time! :happy:

08-21-2018, 03:01 AM
I don't even want to know how loud your house is now! :omg:

If your lovies are like the three you sent me, they won't be the problem. Even after spending all day on a plane, I released them into their cages and they acted like they lived there the whole time! :happy:

Wow, you've got your lovies by plane? I guess the transport it was in the same country, right? How much time did it took the transport?

08-21-2018, 07:37 AM
Wow, you've got your lovies by plane? I guess the transport it was in the same country, right? How much time did it took the transport?

Yeah they flew up to Pennsylvania from florida. Total time was around 6 hours but that included a stop in Washington DC. They wanted to see the the Capitol. :rotfl:rotfl

08-21-2018, 07:47 AM
Wow, you've got your lovies by plane? I guess the transport it was in the same country, right? How much time did it took the transport?
I imported Abbyssinians twice from overseas. First time came from Holland. Second time from Belgium. Importation is a lengthy process that includes 30 quarantine in US quarantine station. Mine were quarantined in California and they shipped via what used to be Continental Airlines. It took about 10 hrs from CA to FL. All except one bird did very nicely.

08-23-2018, 02:07 PM
How exciting! Congrats on the new house!

Amazing that you have lovebirds that are 20 yrs old! I hope my Max lives that long!

08-24-2018, 09:47 AM
Thanks! I've lived in a subdivision for far too long and I've wanted to be more out in the country. My new home is on a quiet dead-end street and I have more property. I love going to bed at night and not hearing traffic moving up and down the street! I've moved most of my larger parrots. The last 4 go tomorrow. It's going to be a period of adjustment but they will have much better lighting and everyone will be in the same location rather than scattered!

08-27-2018, 09:21 AM
I have all my flock except my smaller birds over at their new home as of yesterday. Everyone did extremely well but my Amazons are taking the change the worst. My female BFA is taking it better than Monty, my DYH. When Monty is unsure of his surroundings, he becomes aggressive. He latched onto my right arm yesterday and refused to let go. I literally had to pry his beak off my arm. Not pleasant. Until he calms down, the only thing we can do is give him space. He's gone back to his vocabulary from before he came to live with me, so you know he's not happy!

08-28-2018, 07:20 AM
Sounds like it'll be better for you and the birds.

Safe move and Blessings in your new home.


09-06-2018, 09:46 AM
Still moving my lovebirds to their new home. It's a slow process because most are older and have to be handled with care. So far, I've only had one that needed special handling. The little hen stressed out so badly from just moving her cage that I had to hold her for the ride to our new home. She's OK but I was really worried for a while. The Florida room, where I have the larger parrots, has windows on 3 sides and that's new for them. I have pink salt lamps all over the place for soft lighting, simply because it's totally dark outside at night, no lighting other than moonlight and stars. The windows are ceiling to floor and the blinds need replacing sooner than later but everyone is doing fine.

09-21-2018, 03:59 AM
Hi Linda,

Did you finished the process of moving your flock? How did they adapted?

09-24-2018, 10:51 AM
I finished moving the entire flock about a week ago and everyone is fine. No more casualties. I've had a few cage escapees and now that the cages are all together, it's not always so easy to find out where the escapee came from!!! There's no access to the outside world but I've had a few fly into the interior of the house! :)

09-24-2018, 10:56 AM
I finished moving the entire flock about a week ago and everyone is fine. No more casualties. I've had a few cage escapees and now that the cages are all together, it's not always so easy to find out where the escapee came from!!! There's no access to the outside world but I've had a few fly into the interior of the house! :)

Always fun to have a surprise visitor. DJ will come out but the O's refuse. I can leave the cage open, go to the kitchen to fill food dishes and they just stay there like the door isn't even there.

09-26-2018, 11:47 AM
All most of my flock have to see is an escape exit and they are out and about!! Heaven forbid I forget to completely close a cage door!!! Let the fun and games begin........:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

09-26-2018, 12:09 PM
All most of my flock have to see is an escape exit and they are out and about!! Heaven forbid I forget to completely close a cage door!!! Let the fun and games begin........:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

When DJ comes out it gets fun here too. Once the O's see him out they sound the alarm. And if they don't see that he's out he makes sure of it by standing on top of his cage and chirping at them. Then all **** breaks loose and it sounds like there are a hundred of them in there.

09-27-2018, 10:55 AM
Noise level for such small parrots is quite incredible!! :lol Florida is still in rainy season, which means storms each and every single day. Since my new home is 7 miles further inland, the storms become more intense. Right now, I'm halfway between Tampa and Lakeland. In the entire state, Lakeland gets the absolute worst of any storm in the area. Last night, we had one that was worse than anything I've ever experienced. The area where I keep the flock is an addition to the house and the Florida room has a pan metal roof on it so rain really makes noise. Surprisingly, all the flock was pretty calm considering all the chaos that was going on outside! We just put a new roof on the house so everything inside is nice and dry!

11-27-2018, 01:22 PM
I wanted to update this thread to let everyone know how the move has played out. All the flock is doing just fine. All have adjusted very well! I only had a problem with one lovebird where, in all the confusion of moving, I didn't notice a lump growing on his right wing right where the human elbow would be. My vet looked at the lump on a Saturday and it was removed the following Tuesday. He's doing fine. Bandage came off this past Saturday and the area is healing beautifully! I was really worried because he has a mate that is extremely attached to him! I actually took both of them the morning surgery was done! They sit side by side like they are joined together at the wings!

11-27-2018, 01:40 PM
Glad everybirdy is settled in. My three have decided that winter is time to get loud. The colder it gets outside, the louder it gets inside. :omg:

11-28-2018, 06:53 AM
I wanted to update this thread to let everyone know how the move has played out. All the flock is doing just fine. All have adjusted very well! I only had a problem with one lovebird where, in all the confusion of moving, I didn't notice a lump growing on his right wing right where the human elbow would be. My vet looked at the lump on a Saturday and it was removed the following Tuesday. He's doing fine. Bandage came off this past Saturday and the area is healing beautifully! I was really worried because he has a mate that is extremely attached to him! I actually took both of them the morning surgery was done! They sit side by side like they are joined together at the wings!

I'm very glad to read that the flock is well and the little one recovered after the surgery. I suppose that the vet made an anaesthesia before the surgery.

11-28-2018, 08:29 AM
Yes. My vet used anesthesia for the surgery and my lovebird had pain medication for afterwards. All in all, everything is going well!

Florida is experiencing a cold front. Temp outside my home this morning was 39F!! My chickens love their shed and pens area. Their body heat helps to keep them warm and I just make sure they have extra food so they can keep themselves warm!!