View Full Version : Update on Princesse

08-16-2018, 07:02 AM
Im happy to report even 8 months after Paulie's passing , Princesse is doing well. Its also been 13 months since her liver tumor was diagnosed. She eats well, plays and except for the beak growing faster and needing frequent trimming, you wouldnt know she had a liver tumor.

I had her into the vet in June who was STUNNED to see her doing so well. In July 2017 vet gave her about 9 months. She surpassed that. Vet now says she doesnt know how long she has but that Princesse is happy .
I wanted to share happy news. Hope all the lovies here are doing well too.



08-16-2018, 08:50 AM
Hi Ellen!
Thank you so very much for the fantastic update on Princesse! You are doing something right so keep doing what you have been! It's working! Please don't be a stranger. I enjoy hearing about Princesse!

08-16-2018, 09:49 AM
Thanks Linda

I'll try. It's been difficult--I miss Paulie (and Dusty too) and with princesse being my last lovebird, I tend to get melancholy. We still have my husbands Conure Petey who is 18 yrs.

Princesse is 16yrs now and she has my heart.

Here's a couple of photos of her trying to get my attention. (She thinks Im her mate now and it's up to me to see she gets her head scratched often)



08-16-2018, 11:38 AM
My longest lived, age verified by my own bands, lovebird is 20. You have always taken excellent care of your flock and that counts for a LOT! Princesse has already lived longer than expected and I still think love enters into the longevity equation. Just keep doing what you are doing!

08-16-2018, 04:50 PM
She's a little cutie.

08-16-2018, 04:57 PM
my oldest living lovebird who just passed was 25.i was totally amazed at his age.

08-17-2018, 07:48 AM
That's amazing! 25 yrs means you took excellent care of your lovie!

08-17-2018, 09:52 AM
thank you!

08-20-2018, 06:01 AM
Im happy to report even 8 months after Paulie's passing , Princesse is doing well. Its also been 13 months since her liver tumor was diagnosed. She eats well, plays and except for the beak growing faster and needing frequent trimming, you wouldnt know she had a liver tumor.

I had her into the vet in June who was STUNNED to see her doing so well. In July 2017 vet gave her about 9 months. She surpassed that. Vet now says she doesnt know how long she has but that Princesse is happy .
I wanted to share happy news. Hope all the lovies here are doing well too.



Wow, congrats for that, I'm really happy for you. As our lovie Bella, also has health issues with her liver, could you please detail the treatment which you gave to Princesse?

08-22-2018, 08:14 AM
Wow, congrats for that, I'm really happy for you. As our lovie Bella, also has health issues with her liver, could you please detail the treatment which you gave to Princesse?


Princesse had liver issues dating back to 2006 . Her cholesterol was also very high and she was diagnosed with fatty liver disease. her mate paulie had same diet but no liver problems.

Doc told me to remove all seeds from her diet. Weaned her onto fruity pellets, exact pellets and roundybush nibbles. Some real food she liked was fat free corn bread made into birdie bread. And the Doc put her on milk thistle --liquid form to be given 1-2 times a day with syringe. Milk thistle combats high cholesterol but diet is the main thing to help the liver.)(I wont go into the aspergilosis that she got in 2010 so more meds)
By 2012 her liver was normal, her cholesterol down and her asper gone!!).

The minute we took her off milk thistle her cholesterol shot up again (Kept her on seedless diet throughout and she still is on one) So we now give her milk thistle every day. She doesnt like veggies much except fresh broccoli. I watch her weight religiously (Bought a small scale for daily weighing.)

In 2017 Vet spotted a mass (tumor) on her liver and wasnt very optimistic. She thought Princesse had 9 months at the outside. Still taking her milk thistle (and she is so cooperative compared to the other birds we've had.) and eating a healthy diet, she just past 13 months since the diagnosis. (She lost Paulie in January at 15/ 1/2 ) Being hand raised she liked me as much as Paulie. And she is now 16 yrs old.

The vet was amazed when we went in for the 12 month check up in June. She couldnt believe how active and happy Princesse was.

Hope this info helps.


08-22-2018, 08:23 AM
Milk Thistle is absolutely amazing for what it does for the liver!! It's a natural supplement so keeping her on it for life can only help. Tumors can be unpredictable, as you have seen, and just because a veterinary professional gives you a time frame doesn't mean that's the way things will go down. I would just keep on doing what you are doing. Being happy can also have positive affects!!