View Full Version : DJ is not happy!

09-20-2018, 04:00 PM
He wore out his original happy hut on sunday. Ok, no problem I have a few of them so I'll give him a new one. Only problem, the old one was yellow and I don't have any more yellow ones. Put in a blue one and it's evil. He yelled at it, the O's yelled with him then he want and hung out on the other side of the cage. He would sneak up on it and pick at it but otherwise go around it to get where he wanted to be.

He then spent the next tree days hanging out near the water dish and I'm still not sure how he kept getting wet but from his mid chest down to the base of his tail was wet almost all evening for the last 3 evenings. he'd be dry when I left, but when I came home Monday and Tuesday he was wet and stayed that way until bed. Yesterday he was dry when I got home until about an hour later. then he took a bath.

I took the happy hut out this morning before I left and he's been bopping around the cage not hanging out near the water and is not wet. It's easy to tell when he's wet because the blue feathers turn mud brown. the only problem now is that he's standing on the perch where the hut used to be and yelling at me. I'll give it back tomorrow and see how that goes.

09-20-2018, 05:35 PM
With parrots, color does matter!!!! He would probably accept another yellow one, even if it's slightly different but blue is a huge no-no!!! If it were a light color, you could dye it yellow but that won't work with blue!!! Good luck on this one!!

09-20-2018, 06:29 PM
With parrots, color does matter!!!! He would probably accept another yellow one, even if it's slightly different but blue is a huge no-no!!! If it were a light color, you could dye it yellow but that won't work with blue!!! Good luck on this one!!

with Ditto even replacing it with another yellow one took him a bit. The only reason I took it out was because he was wet for 3 days (at least in the evenings). He must have been sitting on the water dish and the feathers got wet. his vent was very wet. I went so far as to remove him from the cage and examine him to make sure he didn't have anything wrong with his vent. he was fine, just wet.

today no wet. I'll put the hut back in tomorrow and see what happens. It is amazing how such beautiful blue feathers can turn a nasty brown when they're wet. The wetter he is the darker brown the feathers. Scared me the first time I saw it.:omg:

09-20-2018, 07:19 PM
It is amazing how such beautiful blue feathers can turn a nasty brown when they're wet.
There is no true blue that I am aware of in Peachfaced Lovebirds. In eye-rings, yes, but not Peachies. The blue you see is just an optical illusion. Wet the feathers and blue can't reflect any more. DJ sure is gorgeous when his feathering is dry!!!

09-20-2018, 07:47 PM
There is no true blue that I am aware of in Peachfaced Lovebirds. In eye-rings, yes, but not Peachies. The blue you see is just an optical illusion. Wet the feathers and blue can't reflect any more. DJ sure is gorgeous when his feathering is dry!!!

Yep. He's back to his powder blue self now that he's not hanging out in the water dish. I think he was pretending to be a duck. The neon green glow on his dark grey flight feathers is amazing in the right light.

I'll put the hut back in tomorrow and see what he does. I have other colors but no yellow. When I ordered them last time they couldn't guarantee colors.

Opie turns a cinnamon brown when she's wet. Ditto had red highlights when his yellow feathers got wet and his white face turned pink. The peach colored band on his forehead turned red like Otis does.

09-21-2018, 10:47 AM
well he wasn't wet at all yesterday. So I gave put the blue hut back in half an hour ago. And he's wet again. I did find a yellow one so I replaced the blue one with the yellow one. It's exactly the same as the one it replaced but as I suspected it's not good enough. He's yelling at that one now. Yes it's a yellow happy hut but he knows it's not the same one.

09-21-2018, 01:00 PM
Let's see if he accepts the yellow color. Knowing DJ, he will be the exception!!!

09-21-2018, 01:03 PM
Well so far the yellow one is a no go. He knows it's not the same hut. He stood on the perch in front of it, looked in, and then flew away from it. It usually took Ditto a few days too even though they were the same color. He's taking his afternoon nap on the boing.

09-22-2018, 11:05 AM
I'm betting DJ will eventually give in an accept the hut, unless he's really, really stubborn! :lol

09-22-2018, 02:27 PM
I'm betting DJ will eventually give in an accept the hut, unless he's really, really stubborn! :lol

Eventually. He did sit in front of it and look inside yesterday but then he went back to the boing. I did discover that he is not a fan of old punk rock. I put on a sex pistols song and he screamed his head off until the song was over. Either he hated it or was getting into it.:rofl:

09-24-2018, 10:48 AM
Sounds like he's considering it...... I think I would get a couple of extras should he finally decide this one is not evil! Ayanna has a green one and Pet Supermarket is the only place I can find one. I'm surprised at how well she treats her hut. She doesn't chew it, poop on it or even eat inside of it. Her cage is filled with chewables so her beak is always busy doing something! :lol

09-28-2018, 04:40 PM
The happy hut is still a no go zone!

09-29-2018, 03:37 PM
Well I decided to take it out again today and as soon as I did he went on to the perch in front of where it should be and looked at the empty space. He then went and played with the toy in the corner behind it that he had been avoiding because it's right by the happy hut.

10-02-2018, 10:56 AM
The happy hut is still a no go zone!
Amazing how a change such as color can make such a difference!!! When I moved my entire flock, I used the fact that the whole situation was different and I was able to take lovebirds in smaller cages and put them together in larger flights with no tragedies!

10-02-2018, 11:08 AM
Amazing how a change such as color can make such a difference!!! When I moved my entire flock, I used the fact that the whole situation was different and I was able to take lovebirds in smaller cages and put them together in larger flights with no tragedies!

Color isn't the issue anymore. I found one that was the same yellow as the one he wore out. BUt it's not the same hut and he knows it. And now the fact that it's not there at all (I took it out to see if he calmed down) isn't any better. He's still acting just like he did when he first got here. He seems to hang sideways on the cage looking around and doesn't bother to change position to poop. He gets it stuck on the feathers around his vent. After lights out and he settles in on the boing that doesn't happen (nor when he takes afternoon naps). Only when he's active and running around.

He's also taken to standing on his ladder between the seed bowl and water dish. He'll take a seed or one of the pellet bits, dunk it in the water and then eat it. That seems to be the cause of at least some of the wet chest. the wet food dribbles water on him while he eats it. I think he needs a bib. :rofl:

10-03-2018, 02:00 PM
Has anything else changed, even something you might consider small and insignificant? Animals have amazing senses and can sense things long before they happen. Something is definitely bothering him and it may not even be inside. Talk about a good mystery!

10-03-2018, 02:16 PM
Has anything else changed, even something you might consider small and insignificant? Animals have amazing senses and can sense things long before they happen. Something is definitely bothering him and it may not even be inside. Talk about a good mystery!

Nope. Just the hut. it started the day his happy hut broke and I replaced it with the blue one. He hasn't had the hut since saturday. Last night he didn't get wet. He acted like this when he first came here for a few weeks he'd occasionally get messy and have a wet chest. Then he calmed down and was fine. BUt that's why I stopped putting his nutriberries in the higher food holder. He'd hang out there during the day with his but in the bowl while he was talking to the O's. wasted a lot of nutriberries by pooping in them and made a mess of himself. Not that ring is empty except in the evening when the veggies are in there. And he's too busy eating them to poop in them. :happy:

He really liked that happy hut.

10-04-2018, 03:19 PM
Well he hasn't been as messy the last two days but he was still a bit messy around the vent to I decided to try and clean him a bit. I had a pie pan with about 3/4 inch of water in it. I was using a wet cloth to clean him. Well he grabbed the cloth with his foot and used the leverage to free himself and drop into the pan. That's why I used the shallow pie pan with less than an inch of water. I don't know if he planned that but he got a bath. He splashed around a bit until I picked him up.

Talk about color changing. He looked like a totally different bird. Not only do the blue feathers on his chest and tummy turn brown but the blue green feathers on his back turn almost black. He does not look good wet. :rofl:

But he's definitely not a biter. he didn't attempt to bite me once. He even let me kiss him on his head when we were done. If I tried that with Opie I'd have no fingers and a pierced lip! :omg:

10-05-2018, 11:59 AM
Well since his very wet bath last night he's not been wet and his feathers are looking perfect. And DJ being wet triggered Otis to decide it was bath time too. Otis is funny when he takes a bath. He hangs on the side of the cage with his tail in the water dish, then he twists his head back to dunk it and one wing into the water. then he turns around to do the other side. He's certainly flexible.

I did give DJ the hut back but he's not bothering it yet.

10-05-2018, 01:04 PM
Lovebird baths can be very comical. Each has a distinct style... And, of course, if one bathes, they all do!! Hopefully, DJ will accept his new hut...eventually!

10-05-2018, 01:23 PM
Lovebird baths can be very comical. Each has a distinct style... And, of course, if one bathes, they all do!! Hopefully, DJ will accept his new hut...eventually!

Yeah, Otis is a bit nuts sometimes.

Dj will take to the hut. It took him months when he came here before he bothered with it but he then loved to take his afternoon naps in there.

10-06-2018, 03:32 PM
Well since his big bath on Thursday DJ has been fine. No poop on his feathers and he hasn't been wet. Don't know what was bugging him but the bath stopped it.

He hasn't bothered with the hut but he's been Playing with his piñata all day.

10-15-2018, 11:33 AM
He's getting closer. this weekend he spent a lot of time hanging out on the toy in the corner behind the hut. And yesterday he was sneaking up on the hut and grabbing it with his beak. Then he'd hop on his swing and look at it while swinging.

He's also back to his usual habit of starting everyone chattering loudly if I try to take a nap on the couch. :evil:

10-15-2018, 06:18 PM
Getting closer is better so I see progress!!! Keep up the good work, DJ!!!

11-04-2018, 01:55 PM
He's getting closer. this weekend he's been sneaking up on it from the back corner. He'll climb onto the toy behind it and grab at it with his beak. He did poke his head into it a few times.

11-05-2018, 11:05 AM
By gosh! You have a little bit of progress!! Amazing how they know something is different and it becomes evil!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

12-12-2018, 05:30 PM
Well it took almost 3 months but I just saw him in the new hut. He's been getting closer to it and standing in front of it and attacking it from the toy behind it.

I just looked over and he dove into it from the toy hanging behind it and stood there until he notice that I was watching him. Then he ran out the front and went to eat seeds. :happy:

12-19-2018, 07:32 AM
Good grief! At least he finally accepted it! If I didn't know who his parents are, I'd swear that Monty got in on the act somewhere along the line!!! I sure hope you have plenty of back up huts..........

12-19-2018, 08:04 AM
Good grief! At least he finally accepted it! If I didn't know who his parents are, I'd swear that Monty got in on the act somewhere along the line!!! I sure hope you have plenty of back up huts..........

Got a bunch of them. He was playing in it more yesterday and he's started doing the click, spin head scratching dance for it.

12-21-2018, 03:55 PM
He's happy now. He took a nap in the hut and is now poking his head out the front and chirping at me to make sure I know he's in there. :happy::happy:

12-26-2018, 04:23 PM
He's back to taking afternoon naps in the hut looking like he's dead. he likes to have his head out of the hut hanging down like he's dead. Scared the crap out of me the first time he did it. :omg: He likes to do it because the top of his head touches the perch in front of it. That way he can nap and get his head scratched at the same time. :happy:

Otis is the unhappy one now. He destroyed his favorite piñata today. Good thing I ordered 4 more of them on Monday so he'll have a replacement tomorrow!

12-26-2018, 06:54 PM
Yup! Since he's happy, you need to know about it and chirping will get that job done! Isn't it amazing how sensitive they can be!!!!!

12-27-2018, 03:40 PM
Yup! Since he's happy, you need to know about it and chirping will get that job done! Isn't it amazing how sensitive they can be!!!!!

Yeah, he's almost back to normal again. Last night he was feeding his boing too. He hasn't started humping the hut yet but that's only a matter of time. he is doing the mating dance for it.

Otis is happy again too. His new piñata's came in today and he's hiding behind a new one right now. He likes to stand on the perch behind it and hide. Then he beats it up and Opie slowly steps away. :rotfl

12-29-2018, 04:23 PM
Lovbirds truly are characters and each one is different! I have a number of different types of parrots but I will always have lovebirds!!!!! The more, the merrier!:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

12-29-2018, 05:54 PM
Lovbirds truly are characters and each one is different! I have a number of different types of parrots but I will always have lovebirds!!!!! The more, the merrier!:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

They're definitely little clowns.

01-11-2019, 03:19 PM
He's decided he likes to lay on his back in it. He'll stand on the perch in front of it with his back to the opening and just fall backwards into it and lie there. :rofl:

01-15-2019, 10:56 AM
I'd love to see a picture of that!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

01-15-2019, 11:42 AM
I'd love to see a picture of that!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I'll have to be sneaky to catch that. If I come close he pops out. It is funny.

01-16-2019, 10:48 AM
I'll have to be sneaky to catch that. If I come close he pops out. It is funny.

Telephoto lens????????

01-16-2019, 10:57 AM
Telephoto lens????????

I do have a 70-300mm lens that would do the trick. I just need to have it handy and catch him doing it. He usually waits until I'm on the couch and from that angle all you can see is tail feathers.