View Full Version : Bella’s preening with biscuit

12-29-2018, 02:10 PM
So we’ve recently noticed Bella has started to preen with birdie biscuit (we break down to crumbs, that’s how she likes it). It’s only recently and quite surprising... the only other time we’ve seen this type of behaviour was with our lovie Ben, just before he died, therefore we’re quite worried. Have you ever seen this before? ItMs a bit strange, tried to look it up but found nothing... is this a sign of stress? Is she trying to tell us anything? Is she itching? Not sure what to believe, but we want to make sure it’s not yet another health problem :cry:

Here’s a video of her doing just that: https://photos.app.goo.gl/nm9uC8DT3gdGcXyh8

12-29-2018, 04:20 PM
Interesting! I've not seen this before, either, but it kind of looks like she's tucking it into her feathering. Are you finding biscuit on the floor of the cage? Does she appear to be eating it? Hard to tell sometimes from a video but videos definitely let us see what you are talking about! How is her weight?

12-30-2018, 05:04 AM
We do not see biscuit on the bottom, but when Bella is doing that she does not seem to be eating it. Last month she had 54 grams, we do not measure her weight very often because she doesn't like it.