View Full Version : Happy New Year

01-02-2019, 08:54 PM
Hey everyone,

Hope you all had a nice Christmas. Happy New Year!

Things are going great with Gabriel. The quarantine is over and I’ve been slowly introducing him to Max. At first Max was showing signs of jealousy but not anymore.

Gabriel is now flying to my hands. His landings are still a little rough so we’re keeping his practice flying contained in a walk in closet where I know he can’t crash into anything. He likes landing on the plastic hangers. When I bring Max into the room with him, Gabriel gets so excited. Max is very sweet to him too. I’m hoping he stays sweet. I decided on the big closet because it’s neutral territory. Max has never been in the closet so it’s new to him. We’ll see how he acts when Gabriel is landing on Max’s territory. This is what scares me.
Gabriel is such a sweet and gentle soul. He even lets me kiss his beak!

01-10-2019, 03:06 PM
This sounds very promising! Once Gabriel realizes you won't make him your next meal, you will have his trust for life, just like Max. Neutral territory is always best in the beginning. It doesn't belong to either of them.

I have a Turquoise Green Cheek conure that has been wanting more interaction since the move to my new home. Before, his cage was in a corner area and he was more isolated than he is now. He's really come out of his shell, so to speak. I can't put my hand in his cage....yet....but he loves to come to the sides and he just chatters away non-stop! So cute! I've had him since July, 2014 and he was a year old when I got him. His coloring was pretty much green. He's finally beginning to show turquoise feathering!!