View Full Version : personata compatibility

02-07-2019, 02:56 PM

As you know, some time ago Porto lost her friend Otto. She is sad, alone, she's always chirping when she's alone in the room, so we decided to get her a new companion. Porto is a 3 years old female personata. What other sub-species do you recommend for her? We looked for lovebirds with different local breeders, but we were not able to find personata. Also, most of them have either small birds (2 months old) or older couples.

What should be the minimum age for a new lovie for Porto? Would a fischer work?

02-08-2019, 10:00 AM
Finding a companion for Porto may require a bit of real looking! Since she is a female and quite capable of reproducing, species DOES matter! Ideal mate would be a personata male, minimum age 2 or older. You can go older than she is but not an immature male. Problem with a male is she is sexually mature and can produce offspring that you may not want. I have "pairs" of hens but females getting along is the exception rather than the rule. If you want a companion and just a companion, you can look for a Peachie/Eye-ring hybrid. Those crosses are sterile so no babies. Or, you can possibly look around for another small parrot species such as a Green Cheek conure. I've seen lovebirds form friendships with Tiels, conures and even parakeets. Just depends on the 2 birds involved.

If I seems like I'm talking around in circles, I am, simply because there is not hard, definite answer here. It all depends on Porta and the potential companion.

02-08-2019, 10:21 AM
Thank you for reply Linda.

Otto was very playfull, Porto was interested in mating but he didn't. And they were both around the same age.

Beside personata, are there any other species compatible? What about Fischer?

02-08-2019, 12:28 PM
Because Porta is female, I have to say no. If Porta were male, it would be so much easier. Problem is potential offspring. You don't want to knowingly produce hybrids. Peachie/Eye-ring babies are sterile, but 2 different species of Eye-ring parent can produce hybrid babies that can reproduce. Perfect example of this is Blue Fischer's. While Blue Fischer's is now an accepted mutation of Fischer's, the blue coloring came from Blue Masked, which is a natural mutation in Personata. It took a lot of selective breeding to get the mutation to look like the Fischer's species. You may not have too much of a choice but just be aware that you don't want babies.

02-14-2019, 12:50 PM

Am I right this is a personata mutation (apologies for the ignorance, quite new at mutations and breding)?

Would this little guy be suitable for Porto (our personata)?


It's quite hard to find older personata from trusred breeders around, and the current owner is selling him because he's moving out of the country :-(


02-17-2019, 12:39 AM
After discussing with a local breeder we were told that the little one above is a blue Fischer so we did not pursue further.

Yesterday we brought Porto a new friend, a blue personata, we were told that he is 2 years old but we think he's younger than that.

https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMHI5fG19xF6qgC-zdIDAnQFbwpgl9fYCDK3RuZ2jIsEynzpaBJoNVl8_JM1cWj0w? key=RW1veThjV0U4R1lKb21RdzFXNms1WWE0ekFWMU9B

https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipP5m4MEO52cm554LQDP1u-KYSbUVEreOmXGG5x5z3es4-PhXuOk1iSxPE0Oilg2tQ?key=ckFRd3F3RUQ0cEgyY2JzMXY0W DNGV3g4cjhTMmZn

02-20-2019, 03:30 PM
What a pretty Blue Masked! All I can tell you that, by looking at the beak, he's at least 6 months old. It looks like baby coloring is gone. In personata, blue is a naturally occurring mutation. In Fischer's, the blue comes from a hybridization between Fischer's and Personata. Selective breeding has made the Blue Fischer's look more like a Fischer's but it's still a hybrid at the end of the day!