View Full Version : Old message i had put on Ezboard.

05-15-2005, 10:19 AM
I have been a member of Lovebirdplus since 2002, (cripes dont time fly.)

If some of the Mods recalled i posted a Thread at xmas, Re Birds are for life and not just for xmas. ( where you get influx of adverts for parents to buy animals at xmas then find after the Novelty as worn off, we have unwanted pets on ours hands from fish to cats dogs birds etc.) Would it be Possible to have this message put on here, as i do feel its important at any time of the year, not just for xmas , but also some-one might think its a good idea to buy a Lovie as a Birthday present etc.
And some may not do their homework re looking after Our Lovebirds. Its only a Gentle Reminder to people to say, please do the research 1st before embarking on buying Lovebirds and all that entails with them.
Lots of love
Cassy. (who is squinting at comp screen as she awaiting new glasses. >>> :eek: ) (lol )

05-15-2005, 10:28 AM
HI Cassy,

Thank you for thinking about that, its a great idea.

We are on it. Lori said she would move that post to here and someone will post the link for you.



05-15-2005, 10:47 AM
Hey Cassy,

Thanks for the reminder. I have moved it here in the Misc. section. We may sticky it to the top of another forum also, but we are trying to keep each one as clean as possible. We may also discuss what they call a " child forum" for people looking to purchase a new lovie, so that they can get information before the purchase if they are looking for it, and that would be a great place for this topic.



05-15-2005, 01:03 PM
Hugsssssssss to you Lori and Perran.
thankyou for putting the message up. Also great idea for the childrens Forum to.
See you anon xxxxx