View Full Version : Clicker Training

Paco's Mom
07-08-2019, 05:51 PM
Paco is my 4 month-ish old lovebird. He was hand fed as a baby, but is still a bit hand skittish. It might just be his personality, but he is warming up to me day by day. He has become comfortable hanging out next to me on the sofa, and I can now hand feed him tiny pieces of millet. I pick him up gently with a little towel. He will rarely step up (on perch or my hand).

Anyway, I've started clicker training him. I hope this will help us bond, and maybe I can teach him to step up and fly to me eventually. Right now I am in the early stages--I click and then offer him millet. I am trying to get him to associate the click with the millet.

It doesn't seem like a big deal, but I am pleased that we will take millet from my fingers so willingly. A month ago, when we first brought him home, he was terrified.

Has anyone every tried clicker training. I used a clicker for my dogs, and I have trained a rabbit to do few simple tricks using a clicker. It should work well with birds.