View Full Version : Princesse Update--off her feed

07-10-2019, 07:22 AM
Hey Linda and all

Just a quick update. My lovebird Princesse reached the 2 yr mark.

2 yrs ago she was diagnosed with that tumor. She doesn't really play anymore. Though once in a while she'll do her "run down the rope to hide in her bag" game when she sees me. But she cant take the rope very quickly.

Also she stopped eating pellets and is really a fussy eater now. She used to have a great appetite but is picky and wont eat any of her usual--not even the birdie bread. Ive sprouted seeds and she nibbles on those. Ive kept watch on her weight and its in the same area.

At 17 yrs it could also be old age but I suspect with her beak in its condition she cant break into pellets like she used to.Im treasuring these days with her as you can imagine.
Photo of her napping on me. https://i.ibb.co/fnwbrx6/forforum.jpg

Hugs Ellen

07-10-2019, 07:39 AM
Hi Ellen,
You've done an amazing job with Princesse! She would have gone to Rainbow Bridge a long time ago if it were not for your tender loving care. Sprouts are excellent nutrition, probably better than pellets or even seed. It's absolutely amazing what love can do for any human or animal who is sick.