View Full Version : Major Milestone

07-26-2019, 10:20 PM
Both Oliver and Peep are hand shy. Oliver extremely so. He willingly hangs out on various parts of my body, usually when Peep is on board, but takes flight in a flash if my hand comes anywhere near him. Peep, who came with a severe clip and can't fly, hops on my arm when he wants to be transported. But neither has ever stepped onto my hand. Until today! I was checking my email on my phone and they BOTH stepped onto my hand and stayed there while I fumbled with the phone to take a one handed photo. Got a darling picture, which I will post later. I've never had such photogenic birds before. :happy:

07-27-2019, 08:38 AM
Curiosity, curiosity and more curiosity!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl: Lovebirds need to see what's going on and be in the middle of everything! This turned into a learning/trust experience for them and , hopefully, it will be the first step. I think it's fantastic when you have a new milestone!