View Full Version : DJ is teaching Opie how to eat veggies...

09-08-2019, 06:36 PM
Opie has learned that carrots need to be dunked in the water dish before eating them. Hmmmm wonder who taught her that. Their water dish was always clean. Not anymore.

They don't dunk seeds yet. those get stashed in the coconut.

09-09-2019, 07:27 AM
Amazing how those habits are passed around to any feathered body who is willing to learn!!! Georgia (female macaw) will NOT eat her pistachios unless she has a clean water dish to dispose of the shells! Never a dull or boring moment! lol

09-09-2019, 09:18 AM
Amazing how those habits are passed around to any feathered body who is willing to learn!!! Georgia (female macaw) will NOT eat her pistachios unless she has a clean water dish to dispose of the shells! Never a dull or boring moment! lol

Otis grabs sunflower seeds one at a time and takes it to the coconut to eat it. Opie preferrs to spit the seed hulls out the back of the cage. she creates quite a pile on the floor behind the cage.

DJ dunks everything in the water. He makes more mess in one day than the other two do in a week.

09-09-2019, 11:33 AM
Gotta keep that human slave busy keeping their area clean!! I swear it's never ending and we humans cannot win. Spotless floors and clean water dishes just are not in their plans!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

09-09-2019, 05:22 PM
I gave up on spotless floors a long time ago. Now I'm happy when the floor doesn't crunch! :rotfl

Came home today and got a bit of a scare. There was a lovebird sized something on the floor of the O's cage. Turns out they finally killed the piƱata they've been working on. Good thing I bought a bunch of them...:rofl:

09-10-2019, 07:16 AM
I agree with being happy the floor doesn't crunch when I walk! Whatever I sweep or vacuum up off the floor gets saved and goes out to my chickens. They LOVE leftover parrot food!!!

09-10-2019, 09:17 AM
I agree with being happy the floor doesn't crunch when I walk! Whatever I sweep or vacuum up off the floor gets saved and goes out to my chickens. They LOVE leftover parrot food!!!

I have a flock of sparrows and wrens that love leftovers. And a couple of doves that come around in the evening just before bedtime for a snack.

09-11-2019, 07:46 AM
At least what is tossed out of cages does not go to waste! I use my seed saver to clean debris from leftovers in seed cups and the chickens also get that. My parrot mix contains peanuts that my parrots don't get so Ken gives those to the squirrels. The squirrels have now learned that when they see my peanut collection bag, they will be getting food and wait for Ken outside in the front yard!!

09-11-2019, 11:46 AM
At least what is tossed out of cages does not go to waste! I use my seed saver to clean debris from leftovers in seed cups and the chickens also get that. My parrot mix contains peanuts that my parrots don't get so Ken gives those to the squirrels. The squirrels have now learned that when they see my peanut collection bag, they will be getting food and wait for Ken outside in the front yard!!

If anyone puts out peanuts around my house the squirrels have to fight the bluejays. The squirrels usually lose. Bluejays are tougher than they look. :rofl:

09-12-2019, 08:27 AM
I miss seeing all the Blue Jays that were in NJ that are not here in FL. We have Scrub Jays that are smaller and then there's all those long legged birds that call FL home.

09-12-2019, 08:59 AM
I miss seeing all the Blue Jays that were in NJ that are not here in FL. We have Scrub Jays that are smaller and then there's all those long legged birds that call FL home.

We don't have many long legged birds up here. There was a Great Blue Heron sitting on my roof a few months ago. I think he was eyeing the neighbors koy pond. :omg: