View Full Version : Question abouit regurgitation

09-13-2019, 06:52 AM
Princesse has been doing something extremely weird. I say weird because she doesn't really show mating rituals anymore and hasnt for almost 2 yrs.

But the last month or so, when I uncover her in the morning she is trying so hard to regurgitate. She hasnt any food in her crop that early so what is she doing? She wont even eat until 5 minutes of this behavior. And it isnt everyday.

Linda, anyone familar with this behavior in a senior bird


09-13-2019, 07:11 AM
That is really strange. Does this start after you uncover her cage? If so, I'm wondering if she wants to feed you. That's a huge sign of affection, as parrots will only try to feed those they really love, humans included. You may want to run this one by your vet, just to exclude infection.