View Full Version : Indian ringnecks

09-25-2019, 07:13 PM
I have an opportunity to adopt an Indian ringneck.

An 88 year old woman has 16 parrots and unfortunately is ill now and can no longer care for them all. She has surrendered all of them to the humane society. They’re going to be giving the amazons and cockatoo to a parrot rescue but are keeping the smaller birds to adopt out.

Here’s a picture of one of the ringnecks....

She’s six years old and the avian vet at the humane society had her on Baytril as a precaution when she was being monitored before they put her ready for adoption.

I’m doing my research on ringnecks but would love some input from anyone that has experience with them.

I’m not sure if I will go ahead with the adoption but I’m going to go see her on Saturday.

Any advice would be appreciated 😊❤️

09-26-2019, 07:30 AM
So sad when something like this happens but at least the Humane Society will find homes for everyone. I've never owned a ringneck so I can't give you any feedback on that but I can say that adding another bird to your flock will change the dynamics. I have smaller birds (2 conures, a quaker, a few Tiels and a parrotlet) and my big concern is injury if one of the smaller birds lands on top of a larger bird cage. Ginger (CAG) lost a toe from Dao biting it when she went to visit him. Think about how Max and Gabe will react to another feathered resident and how the ringneck might react to smaller birds. Can you adopt on a trial basis?

09-26-2019, 08:46 AM
Unfortunately I can’t do a trial.

I was thinking the same thing about adding a bigger bird. I’ve asked them if they have any smaller birds, like a Quaker or a conure.

From what I’ve read so far and from what some people have told me that have had ringnecks, they don’t really like smaller birds. So, I don’t think I’ll take the chance with the ring neck.

It’s so very sad that the owner can’t care for them anymore. My heart breaks for her and her flock. Their whole world has turned upside down 😭

If I can give at least one a home, I’ll do it.

09-26-2019, 09:11 AM
I've also heard that ringnecks usually don't like smaller birds, but I know there are also exceptions. It really is sad for this woman and her flock and I have a similar problem in my household. I will admit to being 70+ and I work very hard at staying healthy. The only medical problems I have is blind in one eye and a thyroid problem, which is under control. Most of my parrots have been with me for 20+ years and just moving them from one home to another was stressful beyond belief.

As for other birds, Green Cheek Conures fit well with my smaller birds and I have a Princess of Wales parakeet who does fairly well, although she does not like to come out of her cage. If you can safely help, you will be helping a parrot but yours come first.

09-26-2019, 01:23 PM
I always think about what will happen to my boys (Max and Gabe) if something happens to me. I know my brother would take them...he adores them but he wouldn’t spoil them as much as I do.

You’re right...my boys come first but I really am so heartbroken to know these poor birds are homeless and so stressed out now. I wish I hadn’t heard about it.

I’m going on Saturday to see the ringneck....get a feel of her personality and maybe they’ll be able to tell me more about any other birds they’ll be taking in.

09-28-2019, 03:25 PM
So, I went to see the ringneck. She’s actually an African ringneck.

The poor bird has spent her life in a damp basement locked up in cage. She looked so sad. So many broken feathers. She had no tail. Her flight feathers were all broken on her right wing. I felt sooo sorry for her.

She was shy and timid and watched every move we made.

I wonder if her feathers would grow back in?

I got a copy of the vets report and wanted to share it with you. They had her on baytril for two weeks for a crop problem. They did blood work and she has renal disease. It’s all on the report.

I don’t know what a lot of it means but wanted your advice. I felt so bad leaving her behind.

Here’s the report....

09-28-2019, 04:11 PM
Good grief!!! Basically, you are looking at a sick bird and you would have to look into managing the renal disease. None of it is contagious, unless another test comes back positive for anything else. Feathers will grow back but what this bird needs is to have it's spirit heal.

The difference between Indian Ringnecks and African Ringneck is beak coloring. Indian have reddish beaks, Africans have black.

If this bird is up for adoption, you are going to have to do some soul searching on if you can handle something like this. Many people walk away and I can see the justification. People like the ones who had this bird should be kept in the same conditions their birds were kept in.

09-28-2019, 07:27 PM
I agree with you Linda. It sickens me to the core of my soul to picture these birds in a cold damp Canadian basement with no sunshine or proper lighting. Who knows what kind of dirty conditions and bad diet. At first, I felt sorry for this woman but after reading all the details on the intake documents, I was so angry. I’m even more angry because she’s picking and choosing which birds she’s giving up.

Is renal disease serious? Is it something that can be treated with medication? There are a whole bunch of other things on the blood test results that I don’t understand.

The poor bird looked so sad. Really broke my heart today. I know I can give her a lot of love and a good life but I need to figure out what’s involved with her condition. I don’t want her to die unwanted and unloved in a shelter.

Why do people bring animals into their home only to neglect them?

09-28-2019, 08:55 PM
So, I’ve been reading about her conditions. It looks like she has a liver problem too based on the blood work done. Her blood tests also show signs of infection too. No wonder the vet said she’s a very ill bird.

Poor, poor bird.

I decided I’m not going to take her. I just can’t handle the stress and heartbreak of having a sick bird. 😔

09-29-2019, 09:07 AM
Liver problems can be controlled fairly easily. My vets use Lactobacillus, Prozyme and Lactulose and it gives the liver a chance to recover. My CAG, Ginger, had the beginnings of it and it worked great for her. Monty, my DHA, is borderline so I'm working with him through diet. Taking this bird would require a LOT of dedication and that's where you have to do the soul searching. So sad when people neglect/abuse animals like this. My heart breaks for the animals. :heartbreak::heartbreak::cry:

The one person I know who could give you really good answers about this is Lainey Alexander. She has a Yahoo group called Essential Bird. I've learned a LOT from her!

09-29-2019, 09:10 AM
The poor bird looked so sad. Really broke my heart today. I know I can give her a lot of love and a good life but I need to figure out what’s involved with her condition. I don’t want her to die unwanted and unloved in a shelter. The power of love can be very healing in itself. Look at lovebirdmom and Princesse. Princesse has a tumor on her liver, yet she's lived more than a year since her diagnosis that gave her only a short time.

09-29-2019, 10:39 AM
Liver problems can be controlled fairly easily. My vets use Lactobacillus, Prozyme and Lactulose and it gives the liver a chance to recover. My CAG, Ginger, had the beginnings of it and it worked great for her. Monty, my DHA, is borderline so I'm working with him through diet. Taking this bird would require a LOT of dedication and that's where you have to do the soul searching. So sad when people neglect/abuse animals like this. My heart breaks for the animals. :heartbreak::heartbreak::cry:

The one person I know who could give you really good answers about this is Lainey Alexander. She has a Yahoo group called Essential Bird. I've learned a LOT from her!

Thanks Linda. I’m going to check out Lainey Alexander.

I woke up this morning thinking of that poor bird. I don’t want to give up on him.

09-29-2019, 10:39 AM
The power of love can be very healing in itself. Look at lovebirdmom and Princesse. Princesse has a tumor on her liver, yet she's lived more than a year since her diagnosis that gave her only a short time.

I agree. Love is powerful.

09-29-2019, 10:52 AM
The power of love can be very healing in itself. Look at lovebirdmom and Princesse. Princesse has a tumor on her liver, yet she's lived more than a year since her diagnosis that gave her only a short time.

On another note, neem tree farms are having a buy one get one on the neem oil cream in October.

09-29-2019, 11:28 AM
On another note, neem tree farms are having a buy one get one on the neem oil cream in October.

Go for it!!! I will be ordering, too!!

10-04-2019, 12:49 PM
Any updates on the ringneck?

10-04-2019, 06:53 PM
I’ve asked to speak to the vet to get a better understanding of her kidney condition and her overall health.
I haven’t heard anything yet.