View Full Version : DJ has become more adaptable.

11-04-2019, 07:15 PM
He destroyed another happy hut. Last time he did that I replaced it with an identical yellow one and it took him 6 months to accept it.

Yesterday I finally had to replace it. It was too shredded and nasty. I don't have any more yellow ones so I gave him a blue one. He went right to it and checked it out. Within an hour he was doing the clicky dance for it and he went inside to check it out.

Today he's climbing all over it and having a ball... :happy:

11-06-2019, 09:17 AM
What a character! You never know how they are going to react to something!

I've been living in my new home since 8/2018 and my flock is finally completely comfortable with their new situation. My lovebirds (at least most of them) took to their new arrangements fairly quickly but the larger ones took almost a year to settle in. My other home is all they knew after they came to live with me and their new area is larger, sunnier and much more open.

11-06-2019, 10:40 AM
What a character! You never know how they are going to react to something!

I've been living in my new home since 8/2018 and my flock is finally completely comfortable with their new situation. My lovebirds (at least most of them) took to their new arrangements fairly quickly but the larger ones took almost a year to settle in. My other home is all they knew after they came to live with me and their new area is larger, sunnier and much more open.

Yeah, he took to this one right away. He must like the blue ones better than yellow.

11-06-2019, 01:40 PM
Dr. Irene Peppeberg's studies show that parrots are not color blind! I've noticed with my own birds that many don't like cages that are dark colored and I had a similar problem with a cozy. Zoey (GCC) destroyed a green one and only wanted green.........

11-06-2019, 05:24 PM
Dr. Irene Peppeberg's studies show that parrots are not color blind! I've noticed with my own birds that many don't like cages that are dark colored and I had a similar problem with a cozy. Zoey (GCC) destroyed a green one and only wanted green.........

Not only are they not colorblind, they can see into the near ultraviolet. They can see colors we can't even imagine. The sacrifice they made to see those colors is the loss of their night vision. They see fantastic colors but are blind when the light gets dim.

11-06-2019, 05:51 PM
I've tried three happy huts for Max and he hated them all. At one point, he would run through one and play peek a boo with me but no way would be sleep in it.

I tried one with Gabe and he would just sit on top of it and poop on it.

Needless to say, im done with happy huts.

11-06-2019, 06:51 PM
I've tried three happy huts for Max and he hated them all. At one point, he would run through one and play peek a boo with me but no way would be sleep in it.

I tried one with Gabe and he would just sit on top of it and poop on it.

Needless to say, im done with happy huts.

DJ naps in the hut during the day. At night he sleeps on his boing.

11-07-2019, 08:06 AM
Fonzi (GCC) and Ayana (GCC) both have happy huts. Fonzi sleeps on a comfort perch next to and outside of his and Ayana sleeps on top of hers. I don't use them with my lovebirds because they will shred them!

11-07-2019, 09:15 AM
Fonzi (GCC) and Ayana (GCC) both have happy huts. Fonzi sleeps on a comfort perch next to and outside of his and Ayana sleeps on top of hers. I don't use them with my lovebirds because they will shred them!

DJ feeds it (and does other things :omg: )

11-07-2019, 09:20 AM
DJ feeds it (and does other things :omg: )
Fonzi is too young for those male antics........ He was only 5 months old when he came to join my flock. Hopefully, Chewy (Quaker) won't give him lessons!!:whistle::whistle::whistle: