View Full Version : Ripping up my mattress

02-22-2020, 10:45 AM
I am fed up with her madness... I came back to multiple holes in my memory foam mattress. She was chewing the foam all day. That was an awful idea to let her out of the cage for a day. What would you do? I mean, buying a new mattress with a silk cover or something not to let her scratch it does not seem to be the solution

02-22-2020, 11:25 AM
Sorry to hear about the mischief your parrot got into! When left to their own devices, unsupervised, they sure can create havoc!

If you are home, you can see where he/she goes and redirect her interest elsewhere. Parrots don't understand punishment (cage time outs). To them, going in the cage is simply a change of venue. I have an African Grey who can wreak havoc even when I'm home, I simply close doors to keep him in areas where I want him to be. Perhaps create a play area where there are things he/she can chew up. Newspaper, toys made with bamboo (finger traps) are great entertainment!! Also, toys made from wood and leather are safe and take a bit more time to chew up. Parrots have beaks that like to be busy!

Hope this helps.

02-22-2020, 07:41 PM
When I first brought Max home and he was able to fly around the house, even though I supervised him, he still did a lot of damage. They’re parrots, they’re curious and they love to use their beak...lol.

I wasn’t mad at him at all. I just got new picture frames and I made sure the new ones couldn’t be chewed up by a cute little beak. He’s chewed up all the buttons on my cordless phones and my tv converter. I can list countless of things that he has damaged but you know what? That’s what makes him Max and I love him to death no matter what he does.❤️