View Full Version : When will they start to play with toys?

11-12-2005, 08:11 PM
Granted Mango is young but just curious when he will start playing with his toys. Right now is is not interested in them at all. I suppose he'll have to learn or get curious right?

11-12-2005, 08:23 PM
Hey Lori,

It will help him get interested if you play with them yourself, and with him before hanging them in his cage. Sometimes you just have to show them how much fun they are :lol Seriously, sometimes new things will freak them out a little, and if you play with them outside the cage for a couple of days, or even hang them on the outside so Mango can investigate them from his inside safe spot, he will be more accepting of them, and then try them out.

11-12-2005, 08:41 PM

I couldn't find a post where you told us how old Mango is.

11-12-2005, 08:43 PM
Oh he is 10 or 11 weeks old

11-12-2005, 08:48 PM
Thanks. They should start "practicing" at beaking toys very soon. I would do as Lori suggested and play with the toys with Mango & Papaya watching you. Sometimes it takes away the frightening feeling of a new toy when "mommy" plays with it. I did this with Molly & Daisy when they were younger. I got Molly at 4 weeks old and Daisy at about 6 weeks old. They will come around, sometimes it just take time & patience. :)

Added: I wouldn't start out with anything too noisy - like bells. I had a toy like this for Molly http://www.birdieboutique.com/jt60503.html and he learned to "beak" at it first. Just plain and simple things to start out with.

11-12-2005, 09:19 PM
Hi again Jackie,

Well I filled their cage with toys so I'll have to remove them and introduce one at a time.

Jackie, I just have to tell you that I was just looking through old pictures and Daisy is the sweetest looking bird. I just love the creaminos.

11-12-2005, 09:34 PM
Lori, Thank You.

When I saw her at the birdfair, I just could not resist. She was so little and looked like a little easter birdie. While I was walking around the fair with her, I got sooooo many comments on how adorable she was. I was and am a proud mommy :D I tell Daisy all the time "she's my girl". She is a sweet baby and a big talker. When she sits on me and puffs a little, she just talks and talks to me. It's just adorable. She also likes to hide under my hair when it's down.

11-14-2005, 03:41 PM
Leather strips, latex toys, anything interesting for the beak to play with. Stainless steel chains are a big hit with my little ones too...they climb all over it and beak it all the time. Pinatas! Anything that looks like it would be fun to disassemble...a little lovie will have fun with it.

11-14-2005, 05:32 PM
I have one bird, Oliver, that doesn't play with toys unless they are lying perfectly still on the top of his cage. He was adopted by us when he was older so something must have happened (a toy accident) to make him fearful of swings and swinging toys. :confused: My new babies love every single thing I put in their cage. I got them at 9 1/2 weeks old and from day one, they were curious about any and everything I put in their cage. I have leather strips hanging from the ceiling in their bird room and they climb to the top and love it when I swing the strip with them on it. One of the two is a little skeptical of new things but as soon as his brother takes to it, he follows that lead. I could (and do) spend hours watching them play. :D I think that if you introduce new things slowly and, as Lori mentioned, play with it yourself so that they can see it's OK, they'll come around and enjoy everything very soon. :)