View Full Version : Empty nester looking for advice

08-20-2020, 02:13 PM
My sweet Princesse died 2 months back after almost 18 yrs.

Im considering another lovebird and a breeder I know thinks she may get a back mask hand raised soon

I had a black mask and I just couldn't tame him at all. I'm wondering if anyone here ever had experience with one that was hand raised and would it be the companion bird Im looking for. My Princesse was a cuddler and never bit at all. If I do get another, it would have to be tamed so would a black mask fir my criteria?

Thx in advance. Here's me and my Princesse.


08-20-2020, 06:34 PM
Hi Ellen,
Each individual parrot is different and with a lot of attention, you can gain a trust relationship with most of them. Some like cuddling, others are more standoffish. With the Masked species, they tend to be more shy and flighty than Peachfaced. However, that doesn't mean you can't have an absolutely adorable companion Masked lovie. One of our members had a Blue Mask that was so sweet it rivaled any Peachie I've ever met!

I think I would ask the breeder if you can meet and interact with the baby you want to become yours. Let it get used to you so going home with you is not so traumatic. Regardless, new homes require time and patience for a bird to settle in but at least this baby would know who you are.

About 5 months ago, my companion parrotlet, Callie, passed away at the age of 10 and I missed her terribly. So, I found another female parrotlet that was hand fed, 8 weeks old. After the adjustment period, this little one has the attitude of a Hyacinth Macaw!!! She is cage protective, to say the least! Anything new in her cage becomes the center of attention instantly! I call her fearless fosdick!!! Her name is Leiha. Callie she is NOT but I absolutely adore her!