View Full Version : Flying to Shoulder

10-05-2020, 10:51 AM
My love birds [ young birds age 40 days old[ , often fly and comes to my shoulder. This is nice however sometime I don't want. So I take him and put them back to Perch. I understand putting them back to Cage may be annoying for them.

How do I handle this ? I want them to come when I call them not any time. Any advise pls

10-05-2020, 03:01 PM
For right now, I would allow them to fly to you, as they are babies and really need attention. As they get older, they will want to explore and you may find you would prefer them to be on your shoulder!!!!! :lol For now, what you can do is have them step up onto a perch, tell them go home, and then take them to the cage. Once they are on the cage, give them a treat to reinforce that they are where you want them to be. You may have to repeat this many times but keep the repertoire and it will finally sink in. Having them fly to you on command is good training so they will come to you if/when you need them to such as in an emergency.