View Full Version : how to intro new companion to older lovie

11-13-2005, 01:08 AM
I recently lost one of my 2 older lovebirds. Babcock, a male that is probably about 10, is very lonely.

We bought them from a pet store about 9 years ago and they were adults that had were already bonded. The 2 were never finger tame as they were bonded to each other but they enjoy human attention.
Anyway, after such a long time together i am worried about what to do with my surviving bird. If it is not recommended to get him a new companion, does anyone have any recommendations to soften his loss? He is chirping and chirping for his lost friend. I know that it can be tricky to intro a new bird. Would it be best to get a second, older bird and just keep them in separate cages?

I am interested in getting an older bird. Are there rescues or other places to get birds that may need to be placed?

Babcock and I appreciate any help.


11-13-2005, 04:05 AM
Hi Beth,
I'm very sorry to hear that Babcock lost his long time companion! It's very normal for birds to grieve. For right now, the best you can do for him is pay more attention to him. While he may not have been finger tame in the past, you may find he's more receptive to you since his mate is no longer there for him.

You can try PetFinder.com. You may find they have lovebirds in a location near you. At least one of our members has adopted a bird through them. You may try contacting some breeders in your area and see if any of them have older retired breeders that they would be willing to sell. Birds 'n Ways (http://www.birdsnways.com) has a classifed area that lists breeders by state. Check with a few of them.

Gettting a new bird, even an older one, will require a well-bird exam with your avian vet and a minimum of 30 days quarantine. This is for Babcock's protection to make sure the new bird is healthy.

Hope this helps.

11-13-2005, 09:35 AM
Hi Beth;

I'm also sorry to hear about the loss of Babcock's birdy friend. He might accept a new friend, or he might not -- it's hard to say. You may want to look for a new bird that looks similar to Bab's old companion, or even one that looks a lot like Babcock himself.

In the meantime, when Babcock calls out for his companion, I think it would be a good idea of you answered him with words or whistles. It will help him feel more secure. Birds feel safer in a flock, and Babcock is calling out for his flockmate.

Best wishes,

11-13-2005, 11:37 AM
I am so very sorry for your lose. I had a bonded pair and the male died. The female was very sad but she also had a baby to look after so she had help.

If you do want to find another bird do check petfinder.com. That is how I got my pair and they brought me much joy and Baggy still does. Like sevral others have mentioned be sure to observe the 30-90 days quarintine. Only you can know for sure about another bird. If your sure Babcock is a male then you can find another male for him to be friends with. You might even be able to get a friend that likes Babcock and you both. Good luck and please let us know how you and Babcock are getting along.


11-14-2005, 03:17 PM
Hi Beth...sorry to hear of the loss of your long time lovie...I recently lost a tame hen and my male Jake searched and searched for her in the other cages...I happened to find a perfect solution, another lady who's hen had lost it's mate.....the suggestion to try and find a lovie the same color as Babcock or his mate is an awesome suggestion and I'll tell you why.....the hen I got to replace mine had a mate that was a Lutino....well, I have a Lutino and she could not keep her eyes off of him and tried and tried to get to him....I had to cover one side of the cage so she just couldn't see him anymore because she was intended for my WF Auqa Dutch Blue. What I did was put the new hen in a cage right next to the intended male for about a week and let them play outside the cages for several days....then when he started feeding her behind the tiny play cage I started putting her in his cage during the day so I could still supervise them and make sure they got along. She would nap/sleep inside his hanging coconut and every night I would transfer it with her inside back to her own cage....this went on for several days. Hope has now layed her 5th egg today after being together for a few weeks....and Jake is protecting her and the cage dutifully, but he did come out and sit on my shoulder for several minutes because he was jealous that I was playing with Lucky the young budgie. Jake is tame, but Hope is a breeder bird...and they are madly in love. :p The lady I got Hope from gave me a swing with a mirror on it....and although mirrors are not good any other time....one will help Babcock not feel so lonely until you find another lovie.

11-29-2005, 04:18 PM
Thank you all for your condolences.
I have been sick so I haven't been able to respond to your emails or check out your suggestions. They seem good and I am sure that Babcock will benefit from them.
Merry Christmas!