View Full Version : One of two gradually screaming more and more

01-17-2021, 09:19 PM
I have two love birds, one has been DNA checked to be male. The other hasn't been tested but the other owner I got them from said them female. Although after observation for a couple years, my family and I are sure they are male.
For ease of conversation, their names are Photon and Luna. Luna is the one that has been gradually getting louder and louder.
Photon is from a breeder (Even got to meet his parents and dozen siblings) where as Luna is second hand from a random other person who said they got them from a pet store. Luna was the only lovebird they had.
The two of them are suspected to be close in age, no more than a year difference apart.

I don't have a video of it, but it's a very loud BEEDOOT kind of noise. The absolute loudest noise they can make. There is also an additional very high pitched call like EET.
When I first brought them home, they would would do these calls only very rarely.
But over the past few months, they have been getting far more frequent and louder as well. (They've been with us for a few years now) They will do this call regardless if they are with their buddy, inside cage outside cage, ect. I have yet to find any sort of common denominator to why they might be doing this. It's only Luna, and I have never once heard Photon do the same call. The two different lovebirds I had as a kid never did the same call either (They were both from different pet stores I think)

It is getting unbearably problematic for my family and I and it's even beginning to affect our hearing.
Are they calling for someone they knew in the past? Are they yearning to go outside?
The previous owner said they would walk around town with Luna on his shoulder. Their flight feathers have since grown out and I haven't taken them outside for their own safety. Tried to get them into a flight harness, but they really didn't like it.

How can I possibly make this stop? Why are they even doing this? Why now after being with us for years? Are they unhappy with us?

01-18-2021, 06:20 AM
Having lived with Lovebirds for several decades, I can appreciate the fact that they can be noisy at times, especially if their surroundings are also noisy! It's quite possible that you have 2 males, as pairs of males tend to get along very well, where a pair of females generally will not do well living in the same cage.

Will Luna make the loud noises when you are not in sight? Should that be the case, the noise is a contact call for you. You said that Luna was used to being on shoulders so that might be what's going on. The cause of the noise could also be outside. Luna may hear another bird and is calling to see if that bird will call back.

I've seen my own Lovebirds call out if they hear a noise that they perceive to be a danger. Before I moved to where I lived now, I was about a half mile from train tracks and a train would go by roughly around 11:00 pm. Even though it was dark, my Lovebirds would let me know that there's a strange sound outside so I would be aware of any potential problems.

I don't take any of my parrots outside. In my area there are hawks and other birds of prey that would love nothing more than a small bird for a meal. Parrots have been taken off of owner's shoulders many times and it happens so fast you don't realize what happened until it's too late. Harnesses are not protection, as the harness will simply leave, too. I had a screened in area and I would take my birds out there so I at least had the screening as protection. :)

Hope this is helpful.